Boiled meat; to boil meat. Lauyáha ang kárne. Boil the meat. Makaúyon ikáw sing laúya or linaúya? Do you like boiled meat? Lauyáhi akó sing unúd sang báka. Boil some beef for me. (see lágà).
A kind of tree.
To switch, whisk, strike with something flexible. Law-idí (law-irí) sang kamágo ang ímo kasíng, agúd índì mapatáy. Switch your top with the string or it will come to rest.
A net, netlike wickerwork; to make wicker-network; figuratively: to whip, flog, thrash, beat. Iníng síya may salandígan nga láw-it. This chair has a back of (rattan-) network. Law-ití sing owáy ang pulungkóan sang síya. Work into the chair a seat of rattan-network. Law-itá ang pagrára mo. Weave in the form of a net. Law-ití ang karabáw. Whip the buffalo. Iláw-it sa íya ang kalát. Beat him with the rope. Linaw-itán siá ni tátay. Father gave him a beating.
A spider's web; to cover with a spider's web. Nalawáan ang kisamí. The ceiling is full of spiders' webs. Sing masamí ginalawáan ang mga púsud sang mga hulút. The corners of rooms are often covered with spiders' webs. Nagapakamanggaránon siá, ibágo nalawáan ang íya nga ánglit. He acts as if he were rich, whilst his small cooking pot is covered with spiders' webs i.e he has no rice any more, has to suffer hunger.
To pay out rope, loosen a line or string. Lawái sing písì ang ímo buladór. Give your kite more line. Magláwà ka sang kalát. Pay out more rope. Nagtáas ang buladór, kay ginlawáan ko sing písì. The kite soared high when I gave it more line. (see láwlaw).
A kind of fishing-method and fishing apparatus employed in catching fish on the high sea.
To announce, publish, make known or public. Lawága ang mga ngálan sang mga nakadalaúg sa paindísíndis. Announce the names of the victors in the competition. Ginlawágan níya kamí sang mga umalamót sa bulúlngan. He made known to us the contributors towards the hospital. Iláwag mo akó siníng pagbulút-an sa nakawáan sang bánwa. Please publish this law or ordinance in the town-square. (see abíso, pabalítà, paháyag, táwag).
Any piece between two joints, as the tibia, thighbone, a bamboo-joint, a link of a chain, etc.
Body, matter; the principal part or substance of; existence, reality.
To approach personally, have the courage of speaking personally to high authorities, etc., about any important matter. Ginlawás níya ang paghámbal sa mga punoán, sa mga ginikánan sang íya nga ginakaluyagán, etc. He had the courage of speaking personally to the authorities, to the parents of his intended, etc.
Bodily, corporeal, material, physical; carnal, fleshy, sensual.
Spittle, saliva.
Ugliness, repulsiveness, nastiness, meanness, hideousness, obscenity; to be or become ugly, repulsive, hideous, forbidding, etc. Nagláw-ay ang íya nga pangguyáhon. The expression on his face become ugly. Ginláw-ay níya ang pagpuní sang baláy. He decorated his house in a tasteless manner. Law-ayá ang íya nga maskará, agúd magkahádluk ang makakítà sa íya. Make his mask horrible in order that those that see him may be scared.
The long, curved feathers of a cock's tail.
Dim. of láwi. Anything resembling the curved feathers of a cock's tail.
A length of rope, usually about ten meters. Also verb. Ibalígyà mo sa ákon iníng isá ka lawíg nga kalát. Sell me this length of rope. Lawigí ang karabáw sing kalát, agúd makahálab sing maáyo. Give the buffalo a whole length of rope, so that he may graze in comfort.
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