Fresh, soft, green, slender, young beans or peas, usually boiled and served in their pods; slender, thin.
Pertaining to latóy; slender, thin.
To enter deep, penetrate, permeate, sink into, soak in, be absorbed. Naglátum na ang íya balatían, kay walâ níya pagbúlnga sa gilayón. His sickness has now taken firm hold, for he did not apply remedies at once. Nagalátum sa ákon tagiposóon ang íya matám-is nga láygay. His sweet counsels are penetrating or touching my heart. Nalatúman (nalátman) akó siníng mga kalisúd. These troubles have touched me to the quick, have entered deep into my soul. Ang dálit sang mán-og naglátum na sa íya kaugatán. The snake poison has now permeated his veins. (see tudúk, turúk, salúpsup, kágit, etc.).
(B) To eat greedily or voraciously, gulp down, to wolf, swallow large pieces of food without chewing them properly. Laudá (laurá, lád-a) lang tanán. Just gulp it all down. Nalaudán (nalaurán, nalád-an) níya iníng kólon nga kán-on. He ate voraciously from this rice-kettle.
The sea, ocean, high sea. See lawód.
A loafer, tramp, vagabond, idler. (see tiyógtiyóg, lándolándo, etc.).
To roam, stroll, walk about. See lágaw.
A tramp, loafer, idler.
See laúg-a loafer, etc.
Dim. and Preq. of láug-to stroll, roam, etc.
Dim. and Freq. of laúk. Ginlaúkláuk níla ang isá ka baláding nga tubâ kag nahubúg (nabalúng) silá. They finished (consumed) a pailful of toddy and got drunk.
(B) To drink greedily or in large draughts, swill, toss off, gulp down. Lauká lang iníng isá ka báso nga bíno. Toss off this glass of wine. Ginlaukán níla nga duhá ang baláding nga tubâ kag nagkalahubúg (nagkabalúng) silá. Both of them took large draughts of toddy from the pail and got drunk. (see láb-ok, táyhong).
Hope, expectation, trust, confidence; to hope, expect, trust, confide in, be confident. Magláum ka gid nga--. Have confidence that--. Nagláum silá nga makalámbut dídto sa sulúd sang isá ka táknà, ápang duhá gid ka táknà ang íla paglakát. They thought they could arrive there within an hour, but they had to walk two full hours. Ginalaúman (Ginalám-an) ko nga--. I hope, expect that--. Ginlaúman níya ang íya pagdaúg sa dúmug, ápang nabúntul siá. He hoped to win in wrestling, but he was thrown. Ang Pagtóo, Pagláum kag Paghigúgma. Faith, Hope and Charity. Walâ na siá sing lám-on (laúmon). He has nothing to expect any longer. He is without hope, in a quandary, great perplexity, despair. (see sálig, hulát, paabút).
Cuttings, twigs or shoots broken off the stem and to be planted in the soil, applied especially to the cuttings of the sweet-potato plant. Mangítà ka sing láun kag matanúm kitá sing kamóti. Find some cuttings and we will plant sweet potatoes.
Old, of a year or more ago. Laún nga humáy. Last year's rice or rice of more than a year ago. Laún nga kawáyan. Mature bamboo that is at least one year old. Laún nga tabákò. Old, mature, mellow tobacco. Laún nga dalága, laún nga babáeng búhat. An old spinster.
Hoarse. Laús siá. He is hoarse. (see paús).
To be or become hoarse. Naglaús (Nagláus) ang tutúnlan ko. My throat is hoarse, has become hoarse. Anó ang nagpalaús (nagpaláus) sa ímo? What is the cause of your hoarseness? What made you hoarse? (see páus).
(H) Badness, wretchedness, viciousness, malice, wickedness; to be, become or make wicked, bad, malicious, depraved, miserable, wretched, to deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, change for the worse. Nagláut ang íya batásan sa Manílà. He contracted bad habits in Manila. Ginláut sang maláin nga kaupdánan ang kagawián ni Fuláno. Bad company perverted N.N.'s character. (see láin, kalalát-an).
(H) Nausea, aversion, loathing; to be nauseated, loathe, sicken, be disgusted, feel like vomiting. Nagalaút ang ákon ginháwa. I feel like vomiting. Nagalaút ang ákon ginháwa sinâ, ginalaután sang ákon ginháwa inâ. That makes me feel sick,-smells to me bad,-sickens me,-disgusts me. (see lóod).
To call somebody in a loud voice, shout, raise one's voice (in singing, etc.). Laúylaúyi si tátay, agúd magkarí, kay hándà na ang panyága. Call father in a loud voice to come here, for dinner is ready. (see palaúyláuy, sínggit, turayáw, pugaás, pagaás).
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