Length, long duration; to be, become or make long, lengthy, protracted, long drawn out, prolonged, especially of time; to protract, prolong, drag on, last long. Nagláwig ang ámon paglakát. Our walk lasted a long time. Lawíga ang ímo pagtoón, agúd mag-álam ka gid. Prolong your studies so that you may become very learned. (see dúgay, lábà).
A full-length bamboo; a bamboo, whose small end has not been cut off; pointed, sharp.
A trail or trace of something spilt or dropped; to leave a trail or trace on the ground, floor, etc. Nagaláwit sa dálan ang maís nga nahúlug sa sáko. The corn that fell out of the sack has left a trail on the road. (see ráwit).
Dim. of láwit. (see rawítráwit id.).
To swing, dangle or hang down loosely. Nagalawítwit ang íya nga báyò, kay nagísì. His jacket is hanging loose, for it is torn. (see kawáykawáy, kabítkábit).
To loosen or lengthen a tether, rope, string, etc., pay out or give rope to. Lawlawí ang karabáw, kay támà kakúg-ung ang higót níya. Loosen the buffalo, for he is tied too closely. Give the buffalo a longer tether, because his rope is too short. Lawlawí akó sing kalát. Pay me out more rope. Nagláwlaw ang písì. The string has become loose. (see labóy, lábà, lábug).
See laúd, lawúd id.
(H) Large, big, of a more than ordinary size (of animals, etc.); to be or grow larger than the common size.
(Sp. laurel) Laurel; laurel-wreath; honour, distinction.
Sea, ocean; high seas i.e. that part of the sea that is far away from land. (see dágat, iláwud, ilawúd, kalaláwran).
Single, not married, especially applied to men. Láy-aw pa gihápon si Fuláno. N.N. still is single. Ang mga láy-aw. The bachelors.
Detritus, fine sand and earth, slime, deposit, sediment, mud carried along by running water, especially during a flood, and deposited somewhere else; chaff, empty ears of rice, etc. Also verb. Nalay-onán ang ámon áwang, kay naágyan sang bahâ. Our well was filled up with mud, because the flood passed over it. Linay-onán sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river covered our land with a deposit of mud. (see búnbun, bagónbon, laó, lalaó, lúnang).
A kind of fishing net; to catch fish with the láya-net. Diín si Fuláno?-Nagaláya (nagapanláya, nagapangláya) sa subâ. Where is N.N?-He is fishing in the river with a láya-net. Magláya or mangláya kitá. Let us go fishing with a láya-net.
Dry, faded, withered, exsiccated, parched, wrinkled and shrivelled, sear, sere; to be completely dry, become faded, etc. Layâ nga búlak. A faded flower. Layâ nga dáhon. A withered leaf. Naglayâ na ang búlak. The flower has faded already. Nalayaán akó sináng mga dáhon. Those leaves seem to me to have withered. Those leaves are too wrinkled or shrivelled for me. (see láyà, layóng).
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