Dim. of luyát. Nagaluyátyat ang pánit sa íya bútkon. The skin is forming wrinkles on his arm. Also: To lie down or settle comfortably (as a child in the arms of its mother, etc.). (see lungáyngay).
To go about freely without restraint, range, wander at will especially applied to cattle grazing in an open field or pasture. Iluyáw lang ang báka. Just let the cow roam freely about. (see layáw).
To improve, recover from, get well. Nalúyhad (nagkalúyhad) na siá sa íya balatían. He has now recovered from his illness.
Side, flank, neighbourhood, proximity, alongside, nearby, beside, border, edge; part, party, faction; to be (placed, situated) at the side of,-in a nearby region,-in the neighbourhood of, etc. Sa íya luyó--. At his side--. Sa naluyó sang íya baláy--. On the ground at the side of his house--. (see kílid, binít, lapít, íngod, kalúyo, kaluyó).
To be slow, walk or trudge along slowly, be slow in movement. Nalúyò (nagkalúyò) ang karabáw. The buffalo fell into a slow step. Naluyóan akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very slow. He is too slow for me. Amó ang nagpalúyò sa íya mga tikáng. That made him slow down his pace. (see búndul, hínay, pákok, kúlì).
To bend, incline, etc. See búyok.
To stroll, ramble, loiter; vagabond, tramp, rover. (see lagáwlágaw, duyóngdúyong, etc.).
See luás, luásnon.
Key-ring, key-guard. See liabéro.
Key. See liábe.
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