See lonók-mangrove.
Pure, undefiled, unalloyed, unmixed, unsullied, mere, uncontaminated, virgin, unadulterated; very, very much, truly, really, thoroughly, excellently. Ang íla pagginawî lúnsay kaáyo. Their manners (habits, behaviour) are (is)-very good indeed,-excellent,-admirable. (see lúnlun, lubús, lúgus, túnay, hímpit, pulús, pasáy, támà, lakás, túman, dúro).
To live, reside, dwell, stay, remain, live in a place for some time, fix (take up) one's quarters for a prolonged stay; to live in peace and tranquillity; quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful. Ginaluntarán na níla ang Manílà. They are now living quietly in Manila. Lúntad na ang íla pagpuyô. They are now living in peace. Maghigugmaánay kag magbuligáy kamó, agúd maglúntad kag magtáwhay ang ínyo pangabúhì. Love and help each other, that your life may be tranquil and peaceful.
To patch, mend, fill up gaps. Lúmbi ang delárgo ko nga nagísì. Patch my torn trousers. Ilunúb iníng tápì sa salúg. Fill up the gap in the floor with this plank. Ginlúmban níla sa talámnan ang kinán-an sang mga malámalá. They filled up the gaps in the rice-field or replanted the places, where the malámalá-insects had devoured the young rice-plants. (see hálup).
(B) Inferior to, disappearing or inconspicuous in comparison to; to be inferior to, be no match for, not to come up to, not to be compared with. Indì akó magdúmug sa ímo, kay lunúd gid akó. I will not wrestle with you, for I am no match for you. Kon sa kaálam, nagalunúd siá sa kay Fuláno. With regard to learning he is far inferior to N.N. (see kubús, sihág).
See loó-rotten.
See lóo-to rot.
See lóog-to put, push, thrust into a hole, etc.
See lóok-to keep at bay, etc.
See lúp-og-to rest, lie down, as animals with legs turned to one side.
(B) To travel on foot, go or travel by land, tramp, walk, go afoot, ride on shank's pony. Naglupâ kamó ukón nagsakáy kamó sa bapór (sakayánhúlas)? Did you travel over land or did you sail on a steamer? Ginlupâ lang námon ang Hámtik. We simply went on foot to Antique. (see lakát).
(B) One rich in grounds, possessing much land, rich land-owner, landlord. (lúpà).
To fly on wings, take wing, wing one's way or one's flight, soar, aviate, hover, plane. Nakalupád na ang mga píspis sa malayô. The birds have now flown far away. Ang talúnan didto ginaluparán sing madámù nga píspis. Many birds are flying about that forest there. Ginlupád níya ang lángit. He soared towards the sky or skywards. Ang sakayán-hángin magalupád sa ibábaw sang Ilóngílong. The air-ship will fly over Iloilo. Makahibaló ka maglupád? Can you fly?
Winged, having wings, full-grown (especially said of locusts). Ang apán, lúkso páti lupád, madámol na liwán dídto sa talúnan. Locusts, hoppers as well as full-grown specimens, are now plentiful again there in the forests.
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