One who perfects, improves or completes a thing. (see lántip).
To open (with another key) locks, etc.; to do on the sly, do-stealthily,-secretly. Ginlumángan níya ang ákon ba-úl sang íya lyábe. He opened my box with his key. Ilúmang akó ánay sang ímo lyábe sa ákon kandádo, kay nadúlà ang ákon lyábe. Kindly try to open my lock with your key, as my key is lost. Lumángi ang íya ba-úl sang ákon lyábe. Open his box with my key.
More than man-deep, man-high, rising in height above a man standing. Lumápaw ang túbig. The water is more than man-deep. Lumápaw ang búhò sang halígi. The hole of the post, i.e. the hole in the ground in which the post is standing, is more than man-deep. (see lapáw).
To relapse, fall sick again. Naglumát ang íya nga balatían. He suffered a relapse of his disease. (see lúkmat).
To grope in mud, etc. See lamáw.
Dim. and Freq. of lumáw. (see palumáwlumáw, kanáwkanáw).
A collection of garbage, refuse or offal; pit, pool, kitchen sink. (see lamáwan).
A philtre, love-potion, captivation, enchantment, bewitchment, charm, fascination.
To give (administer) a philtre or love-potion, to charm, fascinate; enchant, bewitch, put (cast) a spell over. Lumáya siá. Himói siá sing lumáy. Give him a philtre. Prepare a philtre for him. Ginlúmay konó sang áti si Fulána. N.N., they say, was bewitched (was given a love-potion) by a Negrito.
Race, competition; to race, run a race, cheeple-chase, compete or vie with. Nagalúmbà ang mga kabáyo. The horses are racing. Ang mga pamatán-on siníng bánwa maluyagón gid sang palúmbà sang mga bisikléta. The young men of this town are very fond of bicycle-racing. May palúmbà. There is (was, will be) a race. (see paindísíndis, únhay).
From lunúb-to mend, etc.
A new shoot, sprout, twig; to bud, sprout, shoot, put forth, burgeon, bourgeon, said of a plant or tree. Nagalúmbay ang mga páhò. The mango trees are putting forth new leaves. Nalumbayán na ang akásya. The acacia is now sprouting.
A kind of sago-palm.
To leave, go away, depart, take-one's leave,-one's departure, go-, pack-, take oneself-, off. Nalúmbus (Nagkalúmbus) na siá. He has left, has gone away. Bág-o pa lang siá malúmbus kag magabút ikáw. He had just left when you came. Palumbusá siá kag manyága ikáw. Send him off (Dismiss him) and take your dinner. (see halín).
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