(H) To doze, be half asleep. See alumílaw.
Weakness, feebleness, debility; to be or become weak, feeble, frail; weak, feeble. Lumíng siá, kay tigúlang na siá. He is quite weak, for he is old now. Naglumíng siá, kay nagmasakít siá. He is very feeble (has become feeble), because he has been ill. Nalumingán akó sa íya. I thought him very weak. I got the impression that he was very feeble. (see lúya, pígaw).
A hen; brood (of chickens); to hatch, incubate, brood, sit. Ang ákon mungâ nagalúmlum karón sa (sing) napúlò kag duhá ka bílog nga ítlog sa íya pugarán. My hen is at present hatching twelve eggs in her nest. Palumlumá na lang iníng kilawát. Get this young hen to hatch (some chickens). (see hilúmhum).
From lúmon-to lodge with, etc.
To lodge with, stay with, room with, take lodgings at, put up at, to billet, be billeted at, live in another's house. Nagalúmon na siá sa kay Fuláno. He is now staying in N.N.'s house. Maglumonáy kitá. Let us take lodgings together. Sín-o ang ímo ginalúmnan (ginalumónan)? With whom are you lodging (staying as a lodger)? Palúmna siá sa ímo baláy. Let him live in your house.
To walk with a halt, to limp, to be lame. Nagalúmpa siá. He walks with a halt. (see límpa, limpálímpa).
Dim. of lúmpa. Nagalumpálúmpa siá, kay nasúyak ang íya tiíl. He limps a little, for his foot was pricked by a thorn. Also; to rock, toss, shake, jolt. (see limpálímpa).
(B) To fall down on one's back with some force. Nakalumpa-ód siá sa bató. His seat came down violently on the stone. Sang buút siá magpúngkò kinuháan siá ni Fuláno sang síya kag naglumpa-ód sa salúg. When he wanted to sit down, N.N. took away his chair and he fell thump on his back on the floor. Buhî pa si Fuláno? Hú-o, nagalumpa-ód pa gánì. Is N.N. alive still? Yes, and he is still pretty strong. (see úgsang).
(H) To destroy, demolish, break down, smash up, pull down. Lumpagá ang síya, baláy, etc. Smash up the chair, pull down the house, etc. Ginpalúmpag ko sa íla ang ákon bálay, kay gabúk na. I let them pull down my house for it was rotten. Nalumpagán akó sang ákon baláy sang mga buyóng. The robbers demolished my house. (see gubâ, láglag).
To wither, fade; faded, withered; state of being withered. Naglúmpaw ang búlak, dáhon, káhoy, etc. The flower, leaf, tree, etc. withered. Nalumpawán akó sing limá ka púnò nga kakáw nga ákon tinanúm. Five cacao plants I put into the soil withered. Ayáw pagbunyagí iníng mga tanúm, palumpawá lang. Don't take the trouble to water these plants, simply let them wither. (see láyà, layâ, layóng).
A kind of cake.
From lumús-to drown, etc.
Drowned, suffocated (in water or other liquid); to drown, choke, immerse, suffocate; to overpower, overwhelm, overcome. Nasápwan siá níla nga lumús na. They found him drowned. Nalumús (nagkalumús) siá sa túbig. He drowned in the water. Nalumús siá sa kasubô. He is immersed in grief. Sín-o ang naglumús sa íya? Who drowned him? Ginlumús siá sang íya nga útang. He was overwhelmed (snowed under) by his debts. (see lúgdang, lúnud, kalumsánan).
Dim. of lumús. Nagakalumúslúmus siá sa lawód sang kalisúd. He sinks in a sea of troubles.
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