To tarry, linger, loiter, prolong one's stay or conversation, etc. See lásgò, paútus.
Surpassed, outdone, inferior to another in any respect; to surpass, outdo, overcome, be superior to, vanquish, defeat, beat, conquer. Lútos siá ni Fuláno sa mánggad, sa kaálam, sa kataasón, etc. He is inferior to N.N. in wealth, in learning, in height, etc. He is not so wealthy, learned, tall, etc. as N.N. Linútos siá ni Fuláno. He was defeated by N.N. Lutóson siá ni Fuláno sa kaísug. N.N. will be superior to him in strength (bravery). He will be outdone in strength or bravery by N.N. Indì mo malútos ang íya nga katarúngan. You cannot beat (hold your ground or stand up against) his argument. (see daúg).
From lusút-to slip through, etc.
See lóo, etc.
See lúa-recitation.
See luág; luág-lúag-ladle; shoulder blade, scapula.
Changeling, shifty, etc. See liwánlíwan.
See luáng-room, etc.
See luás-to free, redeem, etc.
To give way, give, sag, double up, as a sack, a corpse, etc., if lifted, or as a piece of cloth held open does, when a weight is put in the middle of it. Naglúy-on ang sáko nga arína sang paghákwat ko sinâ. The sack of flour gave (way) in the middle, when I lifted it. (see táboy).
Weakness, debility, feebleness; to become weak, feeble, debile. Nalúya (nagkalúya) siá. He became weak. Naluyáhan akó sa íya. He appears to me to be weak. Ginlúya sang balatían ang íya láwas. The disease (sickness) enfeebled him, made him weak. Linuyáhan ang íya kabubút-on sang amó nga katarúngan. Those arguments weakened his intention (will). (see pígaw).
Ginger; a plant whose seeds are used for flavouring fish, etc. and also for preparing a beverage called "tahô".
Liking, desire, relish, enjoyment, wish; to like, relish, desire, care for, delight in, derive pleasure from, take to, take a fancy to, fancy, hanker after, covet. Anó ang lúyag mo? What do you like (want, wish)? Ang ákon lúyag amó--. What I like is--. Malúyag ikáw sinâ? Do you like it? Ang mga páhò amó gid ang ginaluyágan níya sa pagkáon. Mangoes are just the thing he likes to eat very much. (see buút, wíli, lípay, hándum).
To be fond of, attached to, have a passion for, take a fancy to, look sweet upon, fall in love with. Nagakaluyág siá sa kay Fulána. Ginakaluyagán níya si Fulána. He is passionately fond of N.N. He has fallen in love with N.N. (see gúgma-love, affection).
Dim. and Freq. of lúyag. Also: whim, caprice, fancy, wish, desire, hankering.
Hanging down loosely or in folds and wrinkles as the skin of old or very lean folks. See layát id. Luyát na ang íya pánit or nagaluyát na ang íya pánit. His skin is hanging down in folds.
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