See makutíkutí.
Bustling, stirring, hustling, pushing, a busybody; curious, prying, inquisitive. (see kutíkutí).
(B) Old, adult, advanced in age, frequently applied to people of about sixty years of age. (see mál-am). Also used as a verb. Nagmál-it siá. He has become old. Namal-itán akó sa íya. I consider him old. N.B. Mál-it is often used in contempt. Mál-it nga táo (babáe). An old fogey (hag).
(B) See mál-am, mál-it, málmal.
A diminutive particle: Like, as, like to, about, somewhat similar to, resembling, nearly, almost, as (large, small, thick, thin, good, bad, etc.) as-. Malakárbaw, malakarabáw-somewhat like a buffalo; malabitík-like a flea; as small as a flea; malapásì-as, like, about as large as, unhulled grains of rice; malabínlud-very small, as small as fine particles or fragments of hulled rice; malabaláy-like a house, almost as big as a house; malapálad-as large as the palm of a hand, very little; malakalibútan-as large as the world, nearly (almost) everywhere. Ginhatágan níla akó sing tinápay nga malatingá (Gintáw-an nánda akó ti tinápay nga malatingá). They gave me just a very little (a bite of) bread. Ang lúpà (dútà) námon malapálad. Our farm-land is as large as the palm of the hand i.e. it is very small. Ang íya dungúg malakalibútan (daw kalibútan kadakû). His reputation (fame) is spread all over the world. (see daw, súbung, oloánggid).
Dry, exsiccated, drained, seasoned; to be or become dry, arid, desiccated, parched, drained, sear; seasoned (of timber). Malá nga káhoy, tápì, etc. Dry wood, seasoned boards, etc. Nagmalá na ang ákon panápton nga ginbulád ko. My clothes which I spread in the sun are dry now. Ang pawíkan nga namálhan. The turtle deprived of water. The stranded turtle. Pamalahá (pamálha, pamál-a, pamád-a) sa ínit ang linábhan. Put the wash out in the sun to dry. Namád-an sing túbig iníng mga ísdà kag dinakúp ko. These fishes were stranded (ran aground) and I caught them. Namalahán-namálhan-namál-an-namád-an. (see ugá, láyà, layóng).
A kind of insect that in size and appearance somewhat resembles a cricket; a mole-cricket. It never appears to be wet, even in rain. Hence the name (malá-dry).
Dim. of malábà. Malabâlábà siá sing pangguyáhon. He is rather long-headed, has a long face. (see mabayóg).
Obscure, dim, not clear, not bright, weak-eyed, dim-sighted, half-blind, purblind. (see búlan, mabinulánon).
About as thick as an arm. (see bútkon).
Tasteless, insipid, mawkish, flat, neither sweet nor sour; like the taste of búyò-leaves. Ang tubâ karón nga hápon malabúyò. The toddy this evening tastes flat.
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