See makínot.
Shy, bashful, avoiding the society of men. (see kuyáw).
(H) See makísdong.
Narrow, contracted, circumscribed, limited, restricted, straitened, confined within a small space. (see kitíd).
See makinaugalíngon, makinaugalingón-nationalistic, independent, etc.
To strike, beat, smite, slap, smack, spank, thwack, whack, cudgel, thrash. Ginmakmakán akó níya sang biní-al. He beat me with a piece of split bamboo. Makmakí siá sang sinílas. Spank him with the slippers. Imákmak sa íya ang bilogón, bulunál, lalámpus, etc. Beat him with the rod, the whip, the stick, etc. (see búnal, hánot, hámpak, bálbal, lámpus, lámba, pókpok, pakáng, núsnus).
To like or appreciate the taste of something new, not having tasted the like before; to be selfish, haughty, stuck-up, to despise, look down upon one's former friends with indifference or even contempt, as sometimes happens in the case of those that have risen from a humble position to one of power and wealth. Tilawí iníng mga kalan-ónon, kay mamakómakó (magakamakómakó) ka gid sinâ sa ákon bántà. Taste this pastry, for you will like it very much, I think. Namakómakó siá sang lansónes, kay walâ siá pagpanghátag. He likes (He is very partial to) lansónes, for he does not give any (of them) away. Namakómakó siá sang pílak, kay walâ na siá pagpanámyaw. On account of his newly obtained wealth he has become so stuck-up (haughty) that he does not salute any more (his old friends). (see hígmaw).
Burying one's teeth in, holding on to with one's teeth, adhesive, adhering, sticking to. (see kóbot).
A kind of mushroom. See amamákol.
(B) A contr. of máan kon-I don't know what will happen, or the like. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ; mákon ánhon ka ni Fuláno. Don't do that, for otherwise I don't know (God knows) what N.N. will do to you.
To blaze up, begin to burn well after having been kindled, to flame, flare up, burn well, said of fuel (and metaphorically of passions, or the like). Nagamákot na balá ang daíg mo? Is the fire you lighted (lit) burning well? Indì mo pagtandugón ang gatóng, kay walâ pa magmákot ang kaláyo. Don't shift the firewood, for the fire is not yet burning well. Pamakóta ang kaláyo. Let the fire burn well. Wait till the fire burns well. Pamakóti ang kaláyo. Make the fire burn brightly (by putting some kindling material, as shavings, straw, etc. on it). (see haráhará).
Nervous, timid, easily frightened or scared. (see kúgmat, makilibúton).
Bad, poor, being a failure, turning out badly, said of crops, etc. (see kúl-aw).
(H) Slow, difficult, tedious, irksome, tiresome, tiring, fatiguing, requiring much work and great patience. (see kúlì).
Dim. of makúlì. Somewhat slow, etc.
(H) Timid, shy, bashful, timorous, nervous. (see kúlbà).
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