Abrasion, excoriation, laceration, slight injury; to gall, abrade, chafe, fret, rub or scrape the skin off, tear off a small piece. Pak-itá ang papél. Tear off a small piece (bit, scrap) of paper. Pak-ití ang búnga, kay tan-awón ko kon mapulá ukón maputî ang íya sinâ nga unúd. Scrape the fruit a little that I may see whether-its pulp is red or white,-it is red or white inside. Ginpák-it níya ang pánit sang káhoy. He stripped a little bark off the tree. Napák-it (Nagkapák-it) ang pánit sang ákon kamót. The skin of my hand got a little chafed. (see pák-ad).
Dim. and Freq. of pák-it. Napak-ítpák-it (nagkapak-ítpák-it) na iníng dumáan nga laráwan. This old picture is fading, is discoloured, is full of abrasions, or the like.
A prefix meaning:
a.) To pretend, feign, make a show or false appearance of, assume the airs of what the root implies, e.g. Indì ka magpakamanunúon, kon dílì ka manunúon nga matúod. Don't pretend to be a teacher, unless you really are a teacher. Nagpakapárì siá, ápang nasápwan sa madalî nga dílì siá párì galî. He pretended to be a priest, but it was soon found out that he was not a priest at all.
b.) To imagine, consider, think, hold something to be what the stem of the word indicates, e.g. Ginpakamaáyo níla ang amó nga pagbulút-an. They considered that to be a good law, they approved that law. Ang tanán nga nagapakasáyod (nagapakasayód) sinâ--. All those that think that they know the facts in that case--.
c.) To do or experience "really" what the root implies, e.g. Ang mga nagpakabatî sa íya--. Those that (actually) heard him--. Ang mga nagpakatiláw sang amó nga pagkáon nagasilíng nga--. Those that have (actually) tasted that food say that--. Ang mga nagpakatámbong, nagpakadáyaw, etc. Those that were present, applauded, etc. Ang Anák sang Diós nagpakatáo. The Son of God became (really, truly, verily) man.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that there are terms, as e.g. pakalisúd, etc., in which the "ka-" belongs to the stem and their meaning is consequently determined by the prefix pa-, not by paka-.
To entrap, ensnare, involve, entangle.
Appendage, pendant. Pakábit sang kolíntas. The pendant of a necklace.
To hang up, let hang, suspend. Ipakábit ang kínke sa písì. Let the lamp be hung up by a string. Pakabíta ang kínke sa písì. Hang the lamp up by a string. (pa, kábit).
To pretend to be deaf, pretend not to hear, feign deafness, be heedless, stubborn and disobedient, to be deaf-, turn a deaf ear-, to admonitions, orders, etc. (see pabungúl).
Caus. of kádlaw-to laugh. To excite laughter, set one laughing, raise a laugh, have one laughing. Ginpakádlaw níya akó. He made me laugh. Pakadlawá ang bátà. Make the baby laugh. Ipakádlaw sa íya iníng bág-o nga lahóg. Make him laugh by telling him this new joke.
(H) To go, make for, head for, proceed to, go in the direction of something rather far away. Sa pagpakádto kag pagpakarí (sa pagpakádto-pakarí) ang hinákay índì magkúlang sa isá ka gatús ka mángmang. The return ticket will not be less than one hundred pesos. Diín kitá pakádto siní? Where shall we go or came to? What will be the outcome or upshot, if we go on-thus,-in such a way? Also: the Caus. of kádto-to go, etc. Pakadtoá siá dídto. Order him to go there. Pakadtoí siá. Let someone go to him. Have him called upon. Call him.
(H) To go from one place to another, shift from one position to another, be unreliable, have no fixed purpose, be a changeling. (see kaín).
To show off, be ostentatious, make a display of oneself, do what one pleases, to display one's riches, etc. Nagapakaíyan gid lang ang mga manggaránon sa íla mga áwto, bísti, etc. The rich ones like to display their automobiles, their dresses, etc. (see patúyang, paiyáíya, pamiyómíyo, pabugál).
Dim. and Freq. of pakaíyan.
To stab, stick, pierce, to aim at or hit an object with some sharp or edged tool, especially applied to a sport or pastime, often indulged in by rice-harvesters. It consists in trying to hit the handle of one rice-cutter (kayóg) with the edge of another. Nagapakaláy silá. They are trying to hit each other's rice-cutters. Ginpákal níya ang ákon kayóg. He hit (struck at) my rice-cutter with the edge of his. (see bunô).
To take (apparently) no notice of, pretend to know-, see-, hear, etc.-, nothing, be insensible to, feign unconsciousness. (see palipónglípong).
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