(Sp. relojería) Watchmaker's shop, shop, where clocks and watches are sold.
(Sp. relojero) Watchmaker; seller of clocks and watches.
(Sp. renta) Rent, tax, contribution, revenue. Réntas intérnas. Internal Revenue. (see buhís).
(Sp. repaso) Going over a lesson; rehearsal, practice of a piece of music, an artistic entertainment and the like. Nakarepáso na kamó sang beláda? Have you rehearsed the theatrical entertainment? May repáso karón sa hápon. There will be a rehearsal this afternoon. Matámad silá magrepáso. They are too lazy to practise. (see hanáshánas).
(Sp. receta) Recipe, formula, medical prescription; to prescribe medicines or the like.
(Sp. recibo) Receipt, deed; to make out a receipt or deed. Resibóhi ang ákon ginbáyad sa ímo. Make out a receipt for what I have paid you. Ginresibóhan níya ang dútà nga ákon ginprénda sa íya. He made out a deed for the land I mortgaged to him. (see kalig-onán, dokuménto).
(Sp. resolución) Resolution, decision, agreement, solution, fixed determination, formal proposal (in a meeting, etc.). (see kasugtánan, pagbulút-an, hágnà, panúgyan).
(Sp. retratista) Photographer, portrait-painter.
(Sp. reuma) Rheumatism.
A rice-measure of twenty-five gantas to the bushel. Ipaágsa ka sa ímo ang ákon talámnan kon sugút ikáw sa pagbáyad sa ákon sa tuígtúig sing duhá ka púlò ka pásong nga humáy sa réyna (nga solókban, pasongán). I'll let you have my land on lease, if you agree to pay me a yearly rental of twenty bushels of rice. Old people use to say: Ang duhá ka pásong sa probínsya, kon sókbon sa réyna, mahímò nga tátlo ka pásong. Two bushels of the "sa probínsya" standard are equal to three bushels, if measured by the "sa réyna" standard.
(Sp. reventa) Resale; retail.
(Sp. reventar) Explosion; to explode, detonate, burst, crack, be broken to bits by an explosion. Nagribénta ang kámra sang nahauná nga pagpalupók. The mortar burst at the first charge. Naribentahán akó kagáb-i sang túbo sang ákon kínke. Last night my lamp-chimney cracked. (see lupók).
(From the Sp. reventar) Fire-cracker. (see puwítis).
(Sp. ribete) Galloon, band, ribbon, narrow lace, etc. such as is sewn around the cuffs of a sleeve or used for other like purposes.
(B) To drop inadvertently, etc. See wígit.
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