(B) Having large and wide open nostrils as a natural deformity. Ringángha siá sing ilóng. He has very large and wide nostrils. (see hungág).
To open with force, prise open, force open. Ringkabá ang baúl. Force the trunk open. Ginríngkab níla ang aparadór, kay nadúlà ang lyábi They forced the cupboard open, for the key had been lost. (see bíngkal).
(Sp. reuma) Rheumatism. (reúma id.).
(Sp. rifa) Raffle, lottery; to raffle, partake in a lottery, buy a ticket in a lottery. Iparípa lang ang ímo arítos-or-paripáhi lang ang ímo arítos. Dispose of your ear-rings by raffling them. Ginaripáhan níla ang isá ka relóh nga buláwan. They are taking part in a raffle for a golden watch. (see lóte).
Place where a raffle is held; ticket bought in a raffle; things disposed of by means of a raffle.
(Sp. reparar) To attend to, notice, bestow care upon, provide well, prepare or make ready what is needed. Riparáha ang mga bisíta. See to the visitors, attend upon the visitors. Ginripára mo na ang tanán nga mga kinahánglan sa kosína? Have you got ready everything needed for the kitchen? A, walâ níya pagriparáha. Why, he did nothing, he neglected everything. (see hímos, híwat, tátap, híkot, búhat, dipára).
(Sp. repollo) White cabbage, a head of cabbage.
To cut or split burí-leaves and the like into strips for weaving purposes. Rirása ang burí. Tear the burí-leaves into strips. (see lílas).
Machine or instrument for dividing leaves into strips for weaving hats, baskets, etc., stripping-device, stripper. (see lilasán).
To cut into slices or pieces. Riráya ang kárne, ísdà, etc. Cut the meat, fish, etc. into pieces or slices. (see gulút).
A slit, cut; to slit or cut open; to disembowel, to slit open and gut or eviscerate an animal. Riríi ang báboy, karabáw, etc. Cut open and disembowel the pig, the buffalo, etc. Ginrirían ko lang ang líog sang ákon báyò, kay gutúk. I simply made a slit in the collar of my jacket, for it was too tight. Makahibaló ka magrírì sang karnéro? Do you know how to gut a sheep? Kiskisí ánay sing maáyo ang báboy kag ugáling rirían mo. First scrape the pig clean of its bristles and then rip it open and gut it.
(B) Zigzag; to zigzag, wind, meander, to move along a line with many short sharp turns or angles. Ang ámon subâ nagarírò. Our river winds very much. (see tikô).
(B) Dim. of rírò. Dúro námon nga riró-rírò-or-dúro ang ámon nga pagrirôrírò túbtub nga nakadángat kamí sa ámon umá. We had to make many a detour before we reached our farm. Ginrirôrírò námon ang paglakát, kay madámul ang lúnang sa dálan. We walked a roundabout way, for there was deep mud on the road. Irirôrírò mo lang siá sa pagtokád, kay matáas ang búkid. Lead him up the ascent by a zigzag path, for the mountain is high. Riróa lang ang ímo paglakát-or-rirôriróa lang ang ímo paglakát, kon índì ka makaági sa dálan nga matádlong. Simply march by a circuitous route, if you cannot go by the straight road. (see tikôtíkò, likôlíkò).
(Sp. rezada) Low Mass. May risáda (misa risáda) sa las seis ang ága. There will be Low Mass at six in the morning.
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