The place where the game of súngka is played, especially the holes for the stones in the game of súngka. (see sungkáhan).
A collision, knocking-, coming-, together, meeting, amalgamation, merger. (see sungkitâ).
To trick, fool, etc. See salúnò.
(H) Store, reservoir, depot, warehouse, depositary, repository, place where something is collected or gathered. Ang íla patayonán-túbig walâ pa pagbutangí sing salaán sa sulúptan sang túbig. Their water system is still unprovided with a filter at the reservoir. (see supút).
Discussion, etc. See suluayán.
Quarrel, etc. See suluayón.
(H) What is to be-, can be-, sucked (drawn) in. Dugús nga sulúypon sang mga putyúkan. Honey to be sucked or gathered by the bees. (see súyup).
See sulúypon id.
From sumó.
See sumó. Nasum-orán akó siníng pagkáon. I dislike this food. I have an aversion to this kind of food.
(B) It is up to, the responsibility lies with, it rests with; not as, not like, contrary to, not following the example of. Sumálà dián kanímo (sa ímo). (Dirâ lang inâ sa ímo). As you wish or like. Do as you please. The responsibility lies with you. Kon magágto kamó sa marayô nga umá magbálon gid kamó, sumálà kang natabû kanámon kóndì nagútum kamí. (Kon magkádto kamó sa malayô nga umá magbálon gid kamó, tan-awá ang natabû sa ámon kóndì nagútum kamí). If (When) you go to a distant country district take provisions along and learn from what happened to us, for we got hungry (having neglected to carry provisions with us). Kon gabíi nga hóras ukón táknà nga inugturúg ron, mamíntal gid kamó kang mga gawáng kag ganháan, sumálà kay Fuláno kóndì ginsakáan ang baláy na kang matákaw. (Kon gáb-i nga óras ukón táknà nga inugtulúg na, mamíntal gid kamó sang mga bintánà kag puertáhan, tan-awá si Fuláno kóndì ginsakáan ang íya baláy sang makáwat). At night when it is time to go to bed, bar your windows and doors and do not follow N.N.'s example, for (as he had neglected to do so) thieves entered his house.
To lay the blame upon, charge with, make responsible for. Sín-o ang áton sumaláon sinâ? Whom shall we blame for that? Whom shall we hold accountable for it? (see súmbung).
Protector, defender, helper, assistant, patron. (see sákdag).
To meet, encounter, come upon, fall in with. Nasumálang ko si Fuláno. I met N.N. Masumalángan ta riá ti masamí (Makít-an, mabasahán, masápwan ta inâ sing masamí) sa mga pamantaláan. We often-come upon those things,-find such matters mentioned, in the news-papers. (see samálang, sug-álaw, tábò, sapó, sugatâ).
Dancer, dancing girl. (see sáut, sumaládsad, bailarína).
A young cock, cockerel. (samaláyhaw id.).
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