Dim. and Freq. of tubús-to redeem, etc.
From túod (matúod). Namatúd-an na ang amó nga balítà, ang íya salâ etc. That report has now been-verified,-shown to be true,-found to be Correct, his guilt (fault, crime) has been proved, etc. Kon mamatúd-an inâ--. If that-can be proved (shown to be true),-is the case,-is correct--. In that case (eventuality)--.
From tudúk, turúk-to penetrate, enter deep.
From tulúd-to push, etc.
The second ploughing of a corn-field; to plough between the rows of growing corn, or the like. Tudlingá ang maís. Loosen up the earth by ploughing between the rows of growing corn.
Finger, digit, toe; teaching, instruction, injunction; to point out, indicate, show, direct; to teach, inform, impart knowledge or information, educate, instruct, correct another's conduct. Ang mga túdlò sang kamót. The fingers. Ang mga túdlò sang tiíl. The toes. Iní túdlò gid sang Diós. This, indeed, is the finger of God. Tudloí siá. Teach him. Instruct him. Tudloí akó sang dálan pakádto sa--. Itúdlò sa ákon ang dálan pakádto sa--. Tell me the way to--. Point out to me the way or road to--. Walâ níya pagitúdlò sa íya mga anák ang maáyo nga batásan. He did not teach his children good behaviour (manners and right conduct). May saráng ikáw matúdlò sa ákon nga mga táo nga makahibaló magbúhat sinâ? Can you show me some men that know how to do it (that)? Walâ siá matudloí sing maáyo, kay walâ sing nagtúdlò sa íya. He was not well instructed, because no one had taught him. Itúdlò ko kuntánì sa íya ang takús níya buháton, ápang índì siá magpatúdlò. I would gladly point out to him what he should do, but he is averse to being taught. Kon índì ka magpatúdlò sa ákon pagaipatúdlò ko ikáw sa kay tátay. If you don't want to be taught by me, I'll hand you over to father for instruction. Tinúdlò níya sa ákon si Fuláno kag sumilíng: "--. He pointed out to me N.N. and said "--. Maálam na siá; walâ na akó sing ikatúdlò sa íya. He is well instructed now; I cannot teach him any more. (see tudô, todô, tulúdlò, manunúdlò, panúdlò).
A kind of banana.
A kind of banana.
A kind of banana.
(B) See túdlò sang dalága.
See todós id.
Until; fretted; to perform well; to pluck, etc. See tódtod.
(B) Deep, penetrating, innermost; to enter deep, penetrate, sink deep into. Nagtudúk sa íya tagiposóon ang hinámbal sang íya ilóy. The words of his mother sank deep into his heart. Tudúk sa tagiposóon. Piercing the heart, penetrating deep into the heart, transfixing the heart. (see turúk id.).
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