To separate from the ears, cause to fall out, spoil (said of cereals). Natúbas (Nagkatúbas) ang humáy sa uháy, kay nalapákan sang kabáyo. The rice was spoilt, because it was trampled by horses. Ang bágyo nagtúbas (nagpatúbas) sang humáy. The hurricane spoilt the rice-crop (by shaking (separating) the ripe grain from the ear). Natúbas ang humáy siníng talámnan, kay walâ pagánya sang tagíya. (Natúbas ang páray sa tarámnan nga diá, hay warâ nagánya kang tagíya). The rice was spoiled (spoilt) in this field, because the owner did not harvest it in time.
(B) To attend on (upon), to look after, wait upon (visitors, etc.); to attend to, pay (give) attention (heed) to, to heed, mind, be attentive to, be mindful or heedful of. Tubayá sánda. (Tatápa silá). Attend (Wait) on them. Look after them. Warâ (tána) magtubáy kang hinámbal ko. (Walâ siá magsapák sang ákon nga hinámbal). He paid no attention to what I said. (see sapák, sahót, tátap, ripára, dipára).
From tubúd-to trickle, flow, etc.
(From tubâ and the Sp. suffix -ero) A seller or vender of-, a dealer in-, palmwine (toddy). (see mananggíti-a collector or gatherer of palmwine).
For tubuhán, tubohán from tubó-to grow sugar cane, etc.
Water, etc. See túbig.
Water, watery liquid; to be or become watery, to melt, dissolve, liquefy (of salt, sugar, ice, etc.); to water, irrigate, mix with-, add-, put in-, water. Túbig nga ilímnon. Drinking water. Nagtúbig na ang tanán nga yélo. All the ice-is gone,-has melted. Amligí gid ang asín, agúd índì magtúbig sa tingúlan. Take good care of the salt or it will dissolve (liquefy) during) the rainy season. Tubígi ang kólon. Put some water in the rice-kettle. Pamulákan nga tinubigan. An irrigated garden. Pinatubígan ang íya talámnan. He irrigated his rice land. Gintubígan ko ang sópas, kay támà kaínit. I added some water to the soup, because it was so hot. (see tinubígan, tinubigán, tubígtúbig, búnyag, túnaw).
Dim. and Freq. of túbig. Also: a kind of game identical with tinubigán, which see. Nagahámpang silá sang tubígtúbig. They are playing the "water"-game.
Watery, pertaining to water; flooded, marshy, boggy, fenny, morassy, swampy; slushy, miry. (see túbig).
From tubók-to pin, etc.
Disturbance, disorder, confusion, trouble; to disturb, molest, disorder, confuse, derange, disarrange, discompose. Indì mo kamí pagtublagón dirí. Don't disturb us here.
To prick, prod, sting. See tíslok, tisók, túslok, tubók.
One who excites, urges on, sets on, stimulates, animates, encourages, enrages others, so that they may quarrel, fight, or the like; inciter, instigator, setter-on, stirrer-up, promoter; a gossip, scandal-monger, tale-bearer, telltale, long-tongue, cackler; a happy-go-lucky, thoughtless fellow. Indì ka magpáti sa íya, kay-daw si Tublokláwi,-tublokláwi inâ siá. Don't believe him, because he is-a stirrer-up of strife,-a great gossip or scandal-monger,-a good-for-nothing fellow. (see túblok-to prick; láwi-the long curved tail-feathers of a cock; dusô-bútong, súgyot, sótsot).
Costive, liable or subject to constipation. Also the future passive voice of tubúl-to constipate.
(Sp. tubo) Tube, pipe, hollow cylinder; lamp chimney.
A small plate or mat made of woven bamboo splints. Rice and other eatables are often served on such a plate. (see simát).
Being of equal age, existing from the same time, coeval, contemporary. (see katúbò id.).
Growth, increase, augmentation, development; interest, premium paid for the use of money, etc.; to grow, increase, augment, become larger or stronger or more advanced, to extend, wax. Nagtúbò siá sing maáyo kag nagbáskug. He grew up healthy and strong. Ang isá ka pamulákan nga walâ pagatatápa sing maáyo matubóan sing madalî sang madámù nga hilamón. A garden that is not well taken care of will soon be overgrown with weeds. Iníng bátà walâ pa pagtubói sing buút. This child has not yet come to the use of reason. Maáyo ang pagtúbò siníng tubó. This sugar cane is growing well. Ang bág-ong túbò. The fresh, new growth. The new or young generation. Pilá ang ibáyad mo nga túbò sa pílak nga ginhulám mo sa íya? How much interest do you pay on the money you borrowed from him? (see natubóan, tinúbò, kinatúbò, patúbò, pasákà).
Sugar cane; to grow or plant sugar cane. Maáyo karón ang pagtúbò sang tubó. The sugar cane is growing well at present. Iníng dútà pagatubuhán (pagatúbhan) ko sa madasón nga túig. Next year I shall plant sugar cane in this field. Yanáng umá dílì maáyo nga matúbhan, kóndì támnan lang sang ibán nga mga talamnúnon. That land is no good for sugar cane planting, but shall be planted with other crops. (see katúbhan, katulúbhan).
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