A pursuing squad, a troop of men or soldiers going in pursuit of brigands, etc.; band, body, batch, troop; to go in pursuit of, to pursue, chase, round up; to go to-, gather at-, a scene of action. Tugpahí silá. Pursue them. Go after them and round them up. Gintugpahán námon ang mga buyóng kag ginbáwì námon sa íla kamót ang mga biníhag níla. We pursued the robbers and rescued their prisoners. Sang pagkabatî níla nga may súnug sa dálan X. tumúgpa silá dídto sa gilayón. When they heard that there was a fire in X-street, they went there at once. (see lagás, dúgok, dúbok).
To placate, etc. See lúgpay.
Land-breeze, wind or breeze coming from the mountains and blowing towards the sea.
Push, pushing, launching; to push, push over to, throw at (on, upon), urge upon, launch, put forth, put up (as candidate for an office, or the like). Itúgpò ang ímo manók sa ákon manók, agúd magsámpok silá. Throw your cock at mine so that they may fight. Itúgpò siá sa káy Fuláno. Push him against N.N. Gintugpoán níya ang idô sang kuríng. He threw the cat on the dog. Ang palapilián nga íla ginatúgpò--. The candidate whom they are putting up for office--. (see tulúd, súlpò).
To add to, prolong, etc. See súgpon.
For tugútan from túgut-to permit, etc.
A grallatorial bird, larger than the tulábong and smaller than the dógwak; a kind of large rail, mudhen, marshhen.
The socket or hole into which a handle or shaft is fitted (of a knife, chisel, lance, etc.); foundation, groundwork, basis, base, bed-rock; the principal or capital of a business, or the like. (see palasarán, palatúkdan).
A bit, mouthful, morsel, dose (of medicine, food, etc.). (togón id.).
Also: to release, let go, pay out (a rope, cable, string, etc.).
Permission, permit, license, leave, sanction, authorization, dispensation, concession; to permit, give permission, allow, concede, let, license, sanction, authorize, give leave to, grant license to. Itúgut mo sa íya inâ. Tugúti (Túgti) siá sinâ. Allow him to do it. Give him permission for doing it. Ginadilían ang pagsulúd dirí sang (sing) waláy túgut. No admittance without permission. Indì ko pagitúgut inâ. I shall not allow it. I shall make no such concession. Walâ níya kamí pagtugúti (pagtúgti) sa pagtámbong sa síni. He did not give us leave to go to the moving pictures (movies). Kon magtúgut ka sinâ--. If you allow such a thing--. (see pahanúgut, sugút, tándò, hángdò).
String, cord (to be paid out, as the string attached to a kite, etc.).
See túgian-to entrust, confide to, etc.
One in charge, manager, etc. See tulugyánan.
Multicoloured, many-coloured, many-hued, speckled (yarn, cloth); to colour, steep-, dye-, in colour, variegate. (see tinuháan).
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