The stone (set in water) on which the tayóbong is rubbed in the process of extracting starch and glue from it.
The stone (set in water) on which the tayóbong is rubbed in the process of extracting starch and glue from it.
Natural, proper, essential, inherent, pertaining to one's nature, firmly attached to. (see dunâ, kinatúbò, kinaugálì, kaugalíngon).
Natural, proper, essential, inherent, pertaining to one's nature, firmly attached to. (see dunâ, kinatúbò, kinaugálì, kaugalíngon).
Stiff, benumbed, painful; to be or become stiff, etc. Hulághulága ang batíis (pusupusuán) sang masakít, agúd índì maunáy. Move (Change the position of) the calf of the sick person, lest it should grow stiff or become benumbed. (see bínhod, palamínhod, tískug).
Stiff, benumbed, painful; to be or become stiff, etc. Hulághulága ang batíis (pusupusuán) sang masakít, agúd índì maunáy. Move (Change the position of) the calf of the sick person, lest it should grow stiff or become benumbed. (see bínhod, palamínhod, tískug).
To be close to, be near to, stay or remain near, be attached to or within easy reach of. Nagunáy siá sa bulúlngan sing duhá ka simána. He stayed at the hospital for two weeks. Ináng ímo balatían kinahánglan nga iunáy sa manugbúlung. That sickness of yours should be treated (seen to) by a doctor. Anó ang ginaunayán mo dídto sa íya baláy?-Ang ákon talahíon, agúd dalión níya ang paghumán. What is the reason of your staying with her in the house?-My dress, in order that she should hurry up and finish it. (see dáyon, estár).
To be close to, be near to, stay or remain near, be attached to or within easy reach of. Nagunáy siá sa bulúlngan sing duhá ka simána. He stayed at the hospital for two weeks. Ináng ímo balatían kinahánglan nga iunáy sa manugbúlung. That sickness of yours should be treated (seen to) by a doctor. Anó ang ginaunayán mo dídto sa íya baláy?-Ang ákon talahíon, agúd dalión níya ang paghumán. What is the reason of your staying with her in the house?-My dress, in order that she should hurry up and finish it. (see dáyon, estár).
A jolt, jolting, shaking; to jolt, roll, shake, sway, lurch, jerk, move to and fro or up and down. Ang káro nagaúndag. The cart is jolting. Indì mo pagpaundagón ang káro. Don't jolt the cart. (see limpálímpa, lumpálúmpa, tumbátúmba, tumbôtúmbò).
A jolt, jolting, shaking; to jolt, roll, shake, sway, lurch, jerk, move to and fro or up and down. Ang káro nagaúndag. The cart is jolting. Indì mo pagpaundagón ang káro. Don't jolt the cart. (see limpálímpa, lumpálúmpa, tumbátúmba, tumbôtúmbò).
Child, baby; follower, adherent, dependent, hanger-on. (see bátà, sumulúnud, ilógilóg, mailógilógon).
Child, baby; follower, adherent, dependent, hanger-on. (see bátà, sumulúnud, ilógilóg, mailógilógon).
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