To stretch lengthwise, lengthen, draw out (an elastic band, etc.). Unyatá ang lástiko. Stretch the elastic band. (see úntay).
To stretch lengthwise, lengthen, draw out (an elastic band, etc.). Unyatá ang lástiko. Stretch the elastic band. (see úntay).
Food chewed before giving it to a small child.
Food chewed before giving it to a small child.
To hinder, impede, disturb, distract, interrupt. (See upáng lingáw, bálag, pamalábag, dúpag, lúpag).
To hinder, impede, disturb, distract, interrupt. (See upáng lingáw, bálag, pamalábag, dúpag, lúpag).
To hinder, impede, put obstacles in the way, disturb, stop, prevent, embarrass, thwart. Náno ang nakaupáng sa ímo? What has hindered (stopped, thwarted) you? Buút níya magpúkan yanáng sámbag, ápang ginupáng ko siá. He wanted to cut down that tamarind tree, but I stopped (prevented) him. Ang isá ka mapág-on nga korál amó gid lámang ang maáyo nga igaupáng sang pagsulúd sang mga báboy sa ímo pamulákan. A strong fence is the only means of preventing pigs from entering your garden. Naupáng ang maáyo níya nga katuyoán. His good intentions were baffled. His fine (good) scheme-miscarried,-was brought to nought. Daw sa dílì na maupáng inâ. It is now very difficult to stop or prevent it (that). It is almost impossible to check or thwart it. Indì gid silá magpaupáng sang íla nga ginahándum. They won't allow their aspirations (wishes, desires) to be interfered with. (see balábag, pamalábag, sáblag, táblaw, túblag, puút, tápnà, etc.).
To hinder, impede, put obstacles in the way, disturb, stop, prevent, embarrass, thwart. Náno ang nakaupáng sa ímo? What has hindered (stopped, thwarted) you? Buút níya magpúkan yanáng sámbag, ápang ginupáng ko siá. He wanted to cut down that tamarind tree, but I stopped (prevented) him. Ang isá ka mapág-on nga korál amó gid lámang ang maáyo nga igaupáng sang pagsulúd sang mga báboy sa ímo pamulákan. A strong fence is the only means of preventing pigs from entering your garden. Naupáng ang maáyo níya nga katuyoán. His good intentions were baffled. His fine (good) scheme-miscarried,-was brought to nought. Daw sa dílì na maupáng inâ. It is now very difficult to stop or prevent it (that). It is almost impossible to check or thwart it. Indì gid silá magpaupáng sang íla nga ginahándum. They won't allow their aspirations (wishes, desires) to be interfered with. (see balábag, pamalábag, sáblag, táblaw, túblag, puút, tápnà, etc.).
(B) The banana-stalk, etc. See tinúb-an, búnlak, ángkag.
(B) The banana-stalk, etc. See tinúb-an, búnlak, ángkag.
To fight, quarrel, (especially of horses, pigs, dogs, etc.). Tambagí ang mga kabáyo nga nagaulúpas. Separate the horses that are fighting.
To fight, quarrel, (especially of horses, pigs, dogs, etc.). Tambagí ang mga kabáyo nga nagaulúpas. Separate the horses that are fighting.
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