To reach the end of a journey, reach the goal, arrive at, make, gain, come to a stop, come to rest. Walâ siá makaáput sa alapután. He could not reach the goal. Ang bángkay sang nalumús sa subâ nakaáput sa baybáyon. The corpse of the one drowned in the river came to rest on the beach. Maninguhâ ka gid, agúd maapútan mo ang alipokpokán sang búkid. Try by all means to reach the top of the mountain. (see abút, dángat, lámbut).
A place to-stay,-stop at,-go to,-live in, a settled abode or residence. Walâ siá sing apútan. He has no settled abode, he has nowhere to go.
(Notice the Spanish suffix) An opium-eater, opium-smoker.
(H) There, there is. Arà inâ dirâ. There it is. Arà balá si Fuláno sa íya hulút? Is N.N. there in his room?
(Sp. ara) Altar-stone. Usually "sánto ára".
See alaasáwa, oloasáwa, id.
(Sp. arrabal) A large village or town, subject to the municipality of another town. Many places that are "arrabales" now have had their own municipal government in Spanish times.
(B) To be at ease or rest, feel comfortable, etc. Mostly used with a negative. Indì siá maarabútay túbtub nga matápus iníng gamó. He cannot rest, will not feel easy, till this trouble is over. (see libútay id.).
(Sp. arado) Plough; to plough. Aradóha ang talámnan. Plough the field. Buás aradóhi si Fuláno. Tomorrow you will plough N.N's. land. Iníng karabáw iarádo ko sa buás. I will use this buffalo for ploughing to-morrow. Ipaarádo ko iníng talámnan sa táo or paaradóhan ko iníng talámnan sa táo. I'll get somebody else to plough this field for me. (see súk-ay, dáro).
What is to be ploughed. May aradohón pa ikáw? Have you still some land to be ploughed?
To select, choose, seek out and collect, especially applied to picking out the best or ripest fruit or grain from among the rest, as beans, monggo, rice, etc. Arága ang balátong. Pluck the ripe beans. Arági iníng humáy. Gather from this rice-field the ripest ears. Manuláon pa kamí ánay kag magárag sing kadiós. First we will look for vegetables and select the best kadiós-peas. (see ág-ag, pílì).
A exclamation of pain and suffering; to complain loudly of pain, etc. Indì ka magaragóy-or-magpangaragóy sing támà. Do not complain excessively by constantly crying out "aragóy". (see aróy id.).
A sound or noise as of many, pattering, clattering, bickering, a medley of voices or sounds; to sound, make a noise or movement as of many at the same time or in quick succession. Ang balás nagaárak sa sim. The sand is pattering loudly on the zinc. Naarákan gid kamí sang mga lisó sa géra. During the war bullets constantly whirred about us. Ginpaarákan ang ámon baláy sing mga bató sang ámon matístis nga kaáway. Our spiteful enemy made our house resound with the number of stones he threw. (see bárak).
(B) See álam, alámag, alamágon id.
(B) A corruption of almidón, which see.
(Sp. arandela) The socket-pan of a candlestick; embroidered fringes, ruffles of a shirt and the like.
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