See aráo-aráo.
Dim. of ráy. Also: To receive or welcome with pleasure, to show one's pleasure by signs, to ingratiate oneself by manifestations of affection, as a cat purring on one's lap, a dog fawning on its master, children desirous of obtaining a favour from their parents, etc. Ang bátà nagapangaráy-aráy sa íya tátay. The child is welcoming its father with joy. Nagaaráy-aráy siá sa ákon, segúro, kay buót siá pahulamón sing kwárta. He is paying me great attention, for the reason, no doubt, that he wants to borrow money of me. (see pangilô-ilô).
(B) A sieve. See alyágan id.
(Sp. arbol de fuego) Fire-tree. (see kabalyéro).
(Sp. arbol de fuego) Fire-tree. (see kabalyéro).
(Sp. arbol de fuego) Fire-tree. (see kabalyéro).
(Sp. ardid) Astuteness, cunning, artifice; a ruse, an astute clever lie, sharp practice, a cunning misleading of others; to play a trick on, to mislead, to contrive by cunning or by clever stratagem. Ginardíl lang níya inâ. He did (said) that only to mislead others. Ardilí siá. Play him a trick, deceive him by a ruse. Iardíl mo sa íya inâ. Play that trick on him.
(From the Sp. ardid) Clever, cunning, astute, tricky, tricksy, misleading others by an artifice or under plausible and specious pretexts. (see antígo).
(Sp. argolla) Rings, also called "stirrups" suspended by ropes, for athletic exercise.
(Sp. arriar) An expression used frequently by men directing the lifting of heavy loads. When the latter have been raised sufficiently for placing them where desired, they shout: "Aria"-"Let loose". "Let go. Slacken the rope"! Ariáhi ang kalát. Slacken the rope. (see tugák, hugák, labóy, táboy, aríya).
To woo, to court, be nice to. Si Fuláno nagaarígay sa kay María-or-ginaarígay si María ni Fuláno. N.N. is courting Mary. (see lígay, paayónáyon).
A skin disease, resembling prickly heat but itching more, and, consequently, causing much greater discomfort, (see kagídkid).
Pertaining to arikís, one affected by arikís. (see kagidkirón).
Under-developed, stunted, injured in growth; to be or become stunted, etc.; not well made or done. Arikotóy nga táo. A man of very low stature, below the normal size. Arikotóy nga trabáho. Clumsy work, a bungling performance. Nagarikotóy ang talóng, kamátis, kamóti, tabákò, etc., kay lakás ang ínit kag kúlang ang ulán. The egg-plants, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, tobacco-plants, etc., were injured in growth by too great heat and lack of rain. (see arí-arí, agíl-agíl).
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