See áron.
(B) To press or squeeze against something hard. Iaróod siá sa díngding. Press him against the wall. Aroódi (-óri) ang díngding sang íya úlo. Squeeze his head against the wall. (see oróod id.).
Leprous, affected by leprosy, pertaining to leprosy. (arô).
(Sp. arrurruz) Arrowroot; the flour and starch obtained from that plant. (aloró, sagó).
A circular protection for young plants made of coconut-leaves, of the stripped off layers of banana-stems and the like; to provide such protection for plants. Aroróngi ang ímo mga tanúm, agúd nga índì magláyà. Protect your plants, or else they will wither.
(B) Voluble, glib, swift of speech; close, near together; to speak swiftly, volubly, glibly, flippantly, rapidly, to pour out words, talk fast. Arót nga táo. A rapid talker. Arót ang íya hámbal. He talks fast. Nagarót siá sang ininglís. He talked English very fluently. Nagaarót siá sang bisán kon anó ang íya nga ginasúgid. He talks very quickly no matter what he is saying. Ginarót níya ang paghámbal. He (purposely) spoke very fast. N.B. For the verb, inarót is more in use than the simple arót. Nagainarót silá. They are talking very quickly. Ginainarót níla ang íla suguilánon. They are holding an animated conversation. (see garót).
(Sp. arpa) Harp; lyre.
(Sp. arsénico) Arsenic: ratsbane.
(Sp. artemisa, artemisia) A plant much used for medicinal purposes; wormwood, mugwort.
(Sp. arte) Art, skill; artifice.
See artamísa id.
(Sp. artista) Artist; artisan, dancer. (see makiambúngon, bailarína, sumalaút).
(B) To volunteer, to do something-of one's own free will,-of one's own accord, to move, stir, work without being told or without waiting for orders. Nagarukahík siá sa pagtígang, bisán walâ pa magabút si nánay níya. She boiled rice without waiting for the arrival of her mother. Akó lang nga isá ang nagaarukahík sa baláy, kay tanán silá nagamalasakít. I alone am up and working in the house, for all the rest are ill. (see matómató).
(B) Not easily inflammable, slow burning, difficult to light; to burn badly, smoulder. See álhom.
Dark; tarnished; to darken, blacken, lose lustre, tarnish. See alóm id. Ang buláwan walâ pagarúm, ápang ang tumbága nagaarúm. Gold does not lose its lustre, but pinchbeck does. (see itúm).
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