Consumption, tuberculosis, phthisis; to cause consumption, be consumptive, etc. May ás-as siá or ginaás-as siá. He has consumption. Ginás-as or inás-as siá. He was attacked by-, infected with-, consumption. (see ános).
To eat anything and everything that comes one's way, not to be particular as regards food, to be omnivorous. Sang úna mapidâ siá, karón nagásab na. She used to be very particular about her food, now she is ready to eat anything. In a figurative sense, especially applied to women, it means to follow the manners of prostitutes, receiving and accepting anybody. (see maásab, kaásab).
(Sp. asado) Roast meat, roast beef.
(Sp. azahar) The orange or lemon flower; flowers used to decorate the head of a bride.
(Sp. asar) To roast, particularly to roast on a spit. Asalá ang manók. Roast the chicken. Inasál nga manók. Roast chicken. Asalí ang masakít sing manók. Roast a chicken for the sick person. Iasál akó ánay siníng manók. Please roast this chicken for me.
To sew quickly, make long or wide stitches. Indì mo pagasál-asálon ang pagtahî sang ákon báyò. Do not make long stitches when you sew my dress. (see duláhot)
To jump, dart, fly off (as chips of stone, etc.). Nagásang ang binókbok nga bató sa malayô. The crushed stone flew off to a great distance. Naasángan akó sing balás, túbig, lúnang, etc. I got bespattered with sand, water, mud, etc. Dî mo pagpaasángon ang bató. Don't send the chips of stone flying in all directions. (see ásik, ápok, ályas).
To be husband and wife, have marital relations. Nagaasawá or nagaasawaháy silá. They are married, are husband and wife. Ang mga magasawá. Married folks, wedded couples.
Wife, spouse, a married woman whose husband is alive; to take a wife, marry, wed, espouse. My asáwa siá. He is married or has a wife. Sín-o ang pangasáw-on mo? Whom are you going to marry? Who is your wife to be? Si Pédro, konó, mangasáwa sa buás. Peter, they say, is going to be married tomorrow. Asáwa ko, batóna iníng síngsing kag iníng áras nga tándà sang áton pagasáwa. My wife, accept this ring and this dowry in token of our wedlock. (Part of the marriage ceremony), (see pangasáwa, pagbána-to take a husband).
From ásod-to lend a hand, etc.
(Sp. aceitera) Oil-cruet, oil-jar.
(Sp. aceitunas) Olives.
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