Sourness, bitterness, sharpness, tartness, acidity; to be or become sour, to sour, make sour. Nagáslum ang bíno. The wine has gone sour. Iníng búnga walâ gid sing áslum. This fruit has no tartness at all. Aslumí ang manók, ápang dílì mo pagaslumón. Mix something sour with the chicken, but do not make it quite sharp. Pagapaaslumón ko gid iníng diótay nga tubâ, kay buháton ko nga lebadúra. I will let this little palm-wine get sour, for I am going to make yeast of it. Iníng isá ka kutsára nga lánggaw iáslum ko sa ísdà. I will season the fish with this spoonful of vinegar.
Sour, of a sour taste, applied especially to some fruit contrasted with sweet varieties of the same fruit. Aslúman nga súmbag, kabúgaw, etc. A sour tamarind, a sour pomelo, etc. (see maáslum).
(Sp. asno) Ass, donkey; dunce, fool.
Smoke, fume, reek; to smoke, emit smoke, to fume, reek; to fumigate, smoke out. Pasálpa ang pabílo, kay nagaasó. Turn the wick down, for it is smoking. Dílì mo pagpasablabón ang kaláyo, kóndi paasohá lang. Don't cause the fire to flare up, but let it simply smoulder. Paasohí (paáswi) ang baláy. Fumigate the house. Fill the house with smoke.
To strike in, add a hand to, to do something together with another in quick turns as one helping another to pound rice, workmen felling a tree or trimming wood by alternate blows, etc. Asod without any other qualification mostly means: to help another pound rice by alternate blows of the pestles. Asdi (asódi) si mánang mo. Help your elder sister to pound rice. Asdi si mánong mo sa pagtapás sang káhoy. Help your elder brother to fell the tree (by giving alternate strokes of the axe, now on this side, now on the other side of the tree). Ang pagásod sa pagkánta maláin, sa pagbásbas kag pagbayó maáyo. To strike in after another in singing (out of unison) is bad, but for dressing timber or pounding rice it is the proper or right thing to do. Ginásdan níla nga duhá sang ákig si Fuláno. They, both of them together, vented their anger on N.N.
To make sterile, sterilize, especially applied to sows; to become sterile. Nagásog ang ámon nayón. Our sow became sterile. Paasóga ang nayón mo. Sterilize your sow (by fattening, etc.). Paasógan ko gid iníng tángkal sang ákon nayón. I will sure enough sterilize my sow (by fattening) in this pigsty.
(B) To pump in air, to inflate with air. Asohási ang góma sang bisikléta. Pump air into the bicycle-tyre. Pump up the tyre of the bicycle. (see hasóhas id.).
(B) Stithy, smithy, anvil. (see hasohasánan, landasán).
Explanation, clear statement; to explain, expound, make clear, relate distinctly. Asóya inâ sing maáyo. Explain that well. Asóyi akó siní. Explain this to me. Iásoy ko sa ímo ang nahanabô. I am going to relate to you what happened. Kon ikáw índì makasáyod siní, saráng ko ikaásoy sa ímo. If you don't understand it, I can explain it to you. (see sáysay).
(Sp. asfalto) Asphalt, a kind of bitumen or mineral pitch; to asphalt, cover with asphalt. Naaspaltohan na iníng dálan. This road is now asphalted.
(Sp. aspirína) Aspirin.
(Sp. hasta) Till, until; even, not even. Hulatá akó ásta sa las díes. Wait for me till ten o'clock. Asta sa katapúsan. Till the end. To a finish. Ginpúkan sang bágyo ang tanán nga mga tanúm ásta ang mga dalágkù nga káhoy. The hurricane levelled all plants with the ground, even large trees. (see túbtub).
A wizard, witch, one that practises witchcraft, a sorcerer, magician, enchanter, one supposed to be in league with the devil and capable of doing harm by spells and enchantments; the devil. (áswang id.).
(Sp. azogue) Mercury, quick-silver, match-point, match-end, phosphorus.
(Sp. azucar) Sugar; to make sugar including all the operations in the final stage of the process of sugar-milling, transferring the pulút (the sugar-cane-juice that has become thick and sticky through evaporation) from the cauldron to a flat-bottomed trough and stirring it there with special shovels, till ready for drying and packing. Asukára na lang ang pulút. Turn the pulút into sugar. Asukári akó sing isá ka káwà nga pulút sa madalì, kay may kinahánglan akó sinâ. Turn me a cauldronful of pulút into sugar at once, for I need it. Iasúkar akó ánay siníng pulút. Please turn this pulút into sugar for me. (see arníbal, kalámay).
(Sp. azul) Blue, azure, sky-blue; to colour or dye blue. Ginasúl níya ang báyò ko. He dyed my jacket blue. Dílì mo pagasulón ang patádyong. Don't dye the skirt blue. Ipaasúl ko iníng kolór nga pinúdpud sa ákon báyò. I will use this dye-powder to dye my jacket blue.
(Sp. asúnto) Affair, business; case in court, lawsuit; also adverb: with regard to, concerning. Asúnto sinâ-With regard to that-. As to that-. (see butáng, nahanungúd, nahatungúd).
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