(B) To thicken, condense, coagulate, inspissate (of liquids). Ang lasáw nagátoy na. The molasses has become thick. Ginátoy (ginpaátoy) níla ang sabáw. They made the sauce thick. Atóya ang sópas. Make thick soup. (see lapúyot).
(B) Dim. and Freq. of átoy. Atóyatóya ang sópas. Make the soup a little thicker. Naatóyatóyan akó siníng gátas nga kondensáda. This condensed milk is a little too thick for me.
From atóp-roof, etc.
(Sp. atracar) To approach, overtake; overcome, lay low, break down. Walâ silá makaatráka sang amó nga talútug. They could not break down that palisade. Atrakáha siá. Lay him low. Knock him down.
(Sp. atrasar) To be-, do-, late, to postpone, put off. Nagatrasár siá sing duhá ka táknà (óras) sang íya pagpaúlì sa baláy. He went home two hours too late. Atrasahá sing diótay ang óras mo. Postpone a little the time you appointed. Indì mo siá pagpaatrasahón. Don't cause him to be late. Don't retard him. (see atrasádo, kulihót, olíhi, olihí).
(Sp. atril) Lectern, ambo, book-rest, music-stand. (see bulutángan (sang tulún-an), tulungtúngan).
(Probably from the Sp. "echar en escabeche") Pickles.
The position directly before a person or thing, front, face; to face, stand before, confront. Sa atúbang maáyo siá, ápang sa likód malibákon. In one's presence he is fair-spoken, but behind one's back he is given to detracting. Magatúbang ka sa íya. Present yourself before him. Stand before him. Face him. Atubánga siá. Face him. Confront him. Paatubánga si Hosé sa ákon. Make José appear before me. Paatubánga si Hosé sa kay Andres. Tell José to go over to Andrew (to keep him company, talk to him, etc.). Ipaatúbang ko siá sa ímo. I'll present him to you or make him appear before you. (see támpad).
To be-next,-near,-coming. Sa pituádlaw nga nagaatubáng. The coming week. Sa búlan nga ginaatubáng. Next month. (see atúbang).
Facing, position in front of, foreground, vis-a-vis. Sa íya atubángan. In his presence. In front of him. Sa atubángan sang baláy. Before-, in front of-, the house. (see tamparán).
The sexual organ, especially of the male.
That will appear or happen soon, the near future. Karón sa atubangón magapatíndog akó sing bág-o nga baláy. I am about to erect a new house.
Small, slight, dwarfish; pygmy, dwarf (of males), (see katitíya-small, undersized (of women).
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