Mute, dumb; silent, mum, speechless; to be or become dumb. Nagapâ siá sa hinálî. He was suddenly struck dumb. Ang mga apâ nagainapâ. The dumb (deaf and dumb) talk by signs and gestures. Gininapaán akó níya. He talked to me as one deaf and dumb, (by signs and gestures). Nagainapâ gid lang si Fuláno dirâ sa higád. N.N. just keeps silent there in the corner. Naginapâ siá. He talked by signs and gestures. He said nothing. Makahibaló ikáw mag-inapâ? Do you know how to talk like the deaf and dumb? Can you converse by signs and gestures? (see ágbà).
To be speechless with wonder or surprise, to be bewildered, to be at a loss what to do or where to turn on account of so many things claiming attention. Ginapáhan akó sang madámù nga mga búnga nga nadágdag sa káhoy. I was at a loss what to do on account of the great amount of fruit that fell from the tree (wishing to gather it all up at once). Ginaapáhan siá sang madámù nga pagkáon. He is quite perplexed by the plentiful supply of food (wishing and unable to partake of so many dishes at the same time). (see apâ).
The handle, haft, grip, hilt of a bolo, knife, sword, etc; to provide with a handle, etc. Apáli ang ákon binángon. Fit a handle to my bolo. Mapaápal akó ánay sa pánday sang ákon binángon. I will first go to the carpenter to have a handle put on my bolo. Iápal akó ánay sang ákon binángon. Please fit a handle to my bolo.
A full-grown locust. (see palakúkwan-a young locust beginning to grow wings, but not yet able to fly; tárik-a young locust with newly grown wings, able to fly, but not far; lúkso-a young locust without wings, only capable of hopping along the ground). Also used as a verb figuratively. Abáw, nagalapán gid lang ang mga dumulúaw dídto! Why, the visitors there were as numerous as locusts! Dílì nínyo pagapanán ang pagkáon. Don't fall upon the meal like locusts.
But, on the other hand, yet, still. Maáyo ang kaálam, ápang labí nga maáyo ang matárung nga pangabúhì. Wisdom or learning is good, but an honest life is better. Matahúm man kuntánì inî, ápang-This would be nice, yet-. Ari na ang napát-ud nga ádlaw, ápang walâ sia magabút. The appointed day is here, but he has not come. Kon sa isá ka bágay matúod gid man inâ, ápang labí pa gid nga matúod nga-. If, on the one hand, that is perfectly true, still, on the other, it is truer yet to say, that-. Siá magatámbong dídto, ápang akó índì. He will be present there, but not I. (see péro).
A plant often seen growing under mango-trees or other trees.
(Sp. aparador) Cupboard, wardrobe, chest of drawers, case or inclosure with shelves, side-board, dresser, show-window.
(H) To follow, go after. See ábat. Apása, apási, iápas, etc. abáta, abáti, iábat, etc.
Premature, untimely; to do something prematurely, before the proper time, too soon. Ginapás níla ang paglígos sang bátà. They gave the baby a bath too soon. Dílì nínyo pagapasón ang pagtubâ sang ságing. Don't cut down the banana prematurely i.e. before its fruit is ripe. (see ahát).
To cut off near the root or close to the ground. Apasón mo ang paggúnting sang ákon bohôk. Cut my hair very short. Apasá ang pagtapás sang káhoy. Cut off the tree near the ground. Tuód nga inapasán. A stump cut close to the ground i.e. a short stump. (see sóop).
Dim. and Freq. of ápas-to follow. (see ilógílog, sunúdsúnud).
Four. Apat ka táo. Four men. Apatón mo iní. Divide it into four parts, quarter it.
A plant that in its leaves resembles a four-leafed clover. Hence the name from ápat-four.
Gall, bile.
(Sp. apellido) Family-name, surname.
(Sp. apendicitis) Appendicitis.
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