See antorô id.
To bear, suffer, undergo. Magántus ka siní sing mapailúbon. Bear this patiently. Hántì kay ginhímò mo iní, antusá na man ang sílot. Well, as you did it, suffer the punishment now as well. Dì masáysay ang mga kasakít nga ginántus sang Aton Ginóo. The sufferings borne by Our Lord cannot be described. (see batás, agwánta).
A white-winged moth. (see subásúba, sugbásúgba).
From áni-to reap rice.
(Sp. añil) Indigo, a blue vegetable dye, extensively used by Filipino women for colouring garments.
Fit, suitable, proper, adapted. Anyóan siá sa pagpangúma gid lámang, kay walâ siá sing lúyag sa pagtoón. He is only fit for working on a farm, for he has no liking for study. Anyóan gid siá sa pagkahokóm. He is qualified to be a judge. Anyóan gid siá sinâ nga báyò. She looks nice in that dress. (see ányò, angayán).
(aw), An exclamation denoting surprise, used by people who have forgotten some important incidents in a story, etc. and then, when somebody else jogs their memory, suddenly recollect the whole. Almost involuntarily they will then say: Aw! Ah, yes! Oh, now I remember! Ah, sure, now I recollect it all! Aw, gái ko man galî. Ah, if that is so, I am also for it. I was under a wrong impression; I now change my opinion.
(áw-áw), The hoot of an owl. Ang huní sang búkaw "áo-áo". The cry of the owl is "áo-áo".
(áwhang), To lean or hang out of a window or the like, so as to be in danger of falling in a moment of forgetfulness. Indì ka magáohang sa talamwáan. Don't lean out of the window. Indì mo pag-iáohang ang ímo láwas, kay básì mahúlug ka. Don't lean out too far, for you might tumble down. Sang paglubás sang kátay gináohang níya ang íya láwas sa bintánà kag nagtingká-ub kag nahúlug. When the parade passed by he leant out of the window, lost his balance and fell. Kon walâ níya pagaohangí ang kátay, walâ man siá mahúlug. If he had not stretched himself too far out to see the parade, he would not have tumbled down.
áwhog, To look about searchingly or curiously, stretching one's neck in order to get a better sight of things. Aohógi kon anó ang sulúd sang aparadór. Peer into the cupboard to find out what is in it. Iáohog ang úlo mo, agúd makakítà ka sing maáyo. Stretch your neck, that you may be able to see well. Indì ka magáohog. Don't look about curiously.
Automobile, auto, motorcar. Also used as a verb. Nagpaáoto kamí. We came or travelled by automobile. Ipaáoto ang masakít nga táo kag dálhon mo sa hospitál. Put the sick man in an automobile and take him to the hospital.
(Sp. autorización) Authorization, recognition, approval. (see túgut, pahanúgut, pagpakamaáyo).
To bite off a piece, to eat by snaps and snatches, to devour fruit greedily without taking the trouble of peeling it beforehand, etc. Ap-apá lang ang páhò páti bákal. Just devour the mango together with its stone by biting off a small bit at a time. Ap-apí sing diótay ang tinápay. Take a small bite out of the bread. Indì ka magáp-ap (mangáp-ap) sang ímo ginakáon súbung sang isá ka idô. Don't snap at your food like a dog. (see áb-ab, ikíb, ínkib, kíbkib, etc.).
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