To push, impel, shove, thrust. Indî mo akó pagidusô. Don't push me. Nagadusoánay ang mga bátà. The boys are pushing each other. Gindusoán níya akó sang íya kamót. He pushed me with his hand. Dusoá or idusô ang ganháan, agúd madápat sing maáyo. Push the door, that it may close well. (see dósdos, dís-og, dás-og, tulúd, tíklod).
Push and pull; at random, haphazard; chanceful, risky.
(H) The earth; earth, soil, ground, loam, clay, marl, mould, dirt; field, territory. (see lúpà).
(H) Earthly, material, bodily, corporeal, pertaining to this world, made of earth or clay. Ang áton kabúhì nga dután-on umalági gid lámang. Our earthly life is merely passing. (see dulután-on).
To plaster, seal, calk, caulk, plug, cement, stuff up cracks, stop chinks or cracks with paper, cloth, thick paint, plaster or the like. Idútdut iníng papél sa kinitáan sang tápì. Put this paper into the crack between the boards. Duddutí ang litík sing alkitrán. Close the split with tar. Dinutdután níla ang mga búhò sing seménto. They plastered the holes with cement. (see dúkduk, dókdok, sóksok, lótlot).
etc. From dulút-to pierce, etc.
Out-of-the-way place, nook, corner. See doók.
To be completely full or satisfied, have no appetite any longer, loathe food on account of having already eaten one's fill, eat without relish. Nagaduyâduyâ siá, kay busúg na. He eats without relish, for he is full already. (see dwáldwal, díway, butíngting, taká).
A hammock; to use a hammock, swing-a hammock,-in a hammock. Magdúyan ka lang dirâ. Just lie down in that hammock. Duyána ang bátà. Put the baby in the hammock and swing it. Idúyan akó ánay sang bátà. Kindly rock the baby in the hammock for me. Amó iní ang abóyabóy nga ginaduyánan sa bátà. This is the make-shift hammock in which the baby swings.
To walk, take a stroll, go-, pass-, by. See dayán id.
Dim. of dúyan. A small hammock, anything resembling a hammock. (see abóyabóy).
To influence, carry along, persuade, induce, prevail upon, make to act, decide. Gindúyaw akó sang ákon mga ábyan sa pagkádto sa sáut. I was prevailed upon by my friends to go to the dance. Nadúyaw ang íya buót sa pagbúthò, kay nagabúthò man ang íya pakaisá. He was induced to go to school by the fact that his first cousin is going to school also. (see gará, gánya).
Dim. and Freq. of dúyaw.
Dejected, sad, melancholy, pensive, moody, sorrowful, cheerless, dismal, unhappy, mournful, gloomy, spiritless; to be sad, etc. Kútub sang kamatáyon sang íya ilóy nagadúyò siá sing dáyon. Since the death of her mother she is always melancholy, dejected. (see búog).
To sit or stand still, be motionless, stop, remain standing, cease to proceed, halt, station oneself, take one's stand. Indì ka magdúyò sa tungâ sang dálan. Don't remain standing in the middle of the road. Indì mo pagduyóan ang ganháan sang bodéga. Don't stand in the shop-door. Magdúyò ka dirí. Stand here. (see táy-od).
A young whale; the dugong of the Indian ocean, a mammal that resembles a whale. (see bungansísò, balyéna).
To go to and fro, back and forth, go in search of, ramble or roam within a rather narrow circle; to loiter, tarry, idle away the hours. (see lagáwlágaw, landólándo, etc.).
To incline towards, lean towards, be attracted, have a mind to, be in favour of, have a liking for, be disposed to, feel inclined to, to like doing. Nagadúyug ang íya buót sa pagtámbong sa beláda. He is inclined to go to the play. Indì mo pagpaduyúgon ang íya buót sa maláut nga batásan. Don't allow him to become addicted to bad habits. (see búyok).
Dim. and Freq. of dúyug. Also: to shake, stagger, reel, tremble with weakness, walk unsteadily. Nagaduyúgduyúg siá sang pagtíndog níya, kay malúya pa siá tungúd nga bág-o lang siá nagáyo sa balatían. When he stood up he shook with weakness, for he is still feeble on account of his late illness. (see dulíngdúling).
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