See dorár id.
To tickle, titillate, make to itch. Duráya ang bátà, agúd magkádlaw. Tickle the baby to make it laugh. Ginadúray ang ákon úlo sang kútò. Lice are making my head itch. Duráyi siá sa tiíl. Tickle his foot. (see kalám).
A tropical tree and its fruit, which is very enticing to eat, but has an offensive smell.
(B) The thumb. (see darak-ónon, kamomóo, kumalágkù).
To walk with bent shoulders as old people, walk about with a stoop, to duck, stoop down, lower the head. Nagadúroy siá nga daw úmbok. He walks about like a quail. Dúroy ka, kay masíot ang dálan. Stoop low, for the road is overgrown. Duróya ang paglakát mo, kay nagabúyok ang mga sangâ sang káhoy. Bend down as you walk, for the branches of the tree are hanging down low. (see dúkoy, kuúb, dukô).
Contrivance, means, machination. (see pahitôhítò, patúga, etc.).
See dúlup-have much to do, be very busy, etc.
(B) See durupráan.
To scratch, scrape, lacerate, wound slightly so that part of the skin or bark comes off. Nadús-il ang ákon bútkon sang símsim. My arm got scratched by the bamboo-branches. Ang dógi nagdús-il sang ákon túdlò. The thorn wounded my finger. Indì ka magági dirâ sa kasíot, kay básì dus-ilón (madús-il) ikáw. Don't pass there through that undergrowth, for you may get scratched. Gindús-il sang tuód ang batíis ko. The calf of my leg was grazed by the tree stump. (see dúsak, etc.).
Bruised, contused, abraded (skin), grazed, lacerated, excoriated, wounded with some blunt-pointed instrument.
To injure, hit, wound, bruise, abrade, excoriate, graze, scratch, lacerate, take the skin off with a blunt-pointed tool or the like. Kon magkáli ka sing kamóti, andamán mo nga índì madúsak. If you dig sweet potatoes, be careful not to injure them. Idúsak iníng tágad sa úlo sang mán-og. Crush the head of the snake with this dibble. Sín-o ang nagdúsak siníng talóng? Who bruised this egg-plant? Húo, kalíhon (kályon) mo lang ang mga patátas, ápang índì mo pagdusákon. Yes, dig out the potatoes, but do not bruise them. (see dús-il, pák-ad, báklis, kúdlit).
To push, shove, etc. See dósdos.
Stain, slur, blemish. See dágtà, músing. Gúgma nga walâ sing dusíng. Pure, unsullied love.
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