(Sp. esparrago) Asparagus.
(Sp. esparrago) Asparagus.
(Sp. espejo) Mirror, looking-glass; used also loosely of a window-pane; model, type; to use or look into a mirror. Espehói ang mga matá mo. Look at your eyes in the mirror. Ginespehóan níya ang íya nawóng. He looked at his face in the looking-glass. Pírme gid lang siá nagapangespého. She is constantly looking in the mirror. Indì ka magpangespého sing lakás. Don't look in the mirror too much. Daw espého gid siá sang dalága. She is a model maiden, a mirror of maidens. (see salamíng, palanganináwan, huluáran).
(Sp. espejo) Mirror, looking-glass; used also loosely of a window-pane; model, type; to use or look into a mirror. Espehói ang mga matá mo. Look at your eyes in the mirror. Ginespehóan níya ang íya nawóng. He looked at his face in the looking-glass. Pírme gid lang siá nagapangespého. She is constantly looking in the mirror. Indì ka magpangespého sing lakás. Don't look in the mirror too much. Daw espého gid siá sang dalága. She is a model maiden, a mirror of maidens. (see salamíng, palanganináwan, huluáran).
(Sp. espíritu) Ghost, spirit, soul; energy, animation; consciousness. Ang Espiritú Sánto. The Holy Ghost. Walâ na siá sing espíritú. He is spiritless, soulless, inanimate, unconscious, has no energy left. (see kalág).
(Sp. espíritu) Ghost, spirit, soul; energy, animation; consciousness. Ang Espiritú Sánto. The Holy Ghost. Walâ na siá sing espíritú. He is spiritless, soulless, inanimate, unconscious, has no energy left. (see kalág).
Spiritual, not material, incorporeal, ghostly, pertaining to the soul or spirit. (see kalágnon).
Spiritual, not material, incorporeal, ghostly, pertaining to the soul or spirit. (see kalágnon).
(Sp. esponja) Sponge.
(Sp. esponja) Sponge.
(Sp. esponsales) Espousals, betrothal, troth, plight, engagement, marriage-compact. Ang pagentregár sang síngsing amó ang tándà sang íla nga esponsáles. The giving of the ring is the sign of their betrothal. (see katípan).
(Sp. esponsales) Espousals, betrothal, troth, plight, engagement, marriage-compact. Ang pagentregár sang síngsing amó ang tándà sang íla nga esponsáles. The giving of the ring is the sign of their betrothal. (see katípan).
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