The tentacles of the octopus and of similar animals.
A tree whose leaves and flowers are edible and whose juice is very useful for plastering cracks in earthen pots, etc.
Dim. and Freq. of gáway. Any slight, slender appendage dangling in the air or hanging down freely and loosely. (see kawáykawáy, kabítkábit).
A tiny branch, twig, sprig. Banggií akó sing gáwgaw siníng káhoy. Break off for me a few twigs from this tree. (see símsim).
To stretch out one's arm in order to get hold of something, make a long arm, reach for, try to get hold of. Gawhará (-hadá) ang pínggan. Stretch out your arm and get hold of the plate. Igáwhad akó sináng báso. Reach me that glass. Gawharí akó sing isá ka gulút nga laúya nga árà sa bandehádo. Pass me a slice of boiled meat from the large dish. Gawharí akó sing isá ka báso nga bíno, kon makagáwhad ka sang botílya. Give me a glass of wine, if you can reach the bottle. Ipagáwhad sa íya ang laráwan sa díng-ding. Let him reach down the picture on the wall. Let him take down the picture from the wall. (see dáb-ot).
Hollow, hole, cavity, trace, said of what has been taken from a heap of rice, sand, corn or the like; to delve or dig into, scoop a hole in, make encroachments or inroads on a heap of ashes, flour, rice, etc. Nabúsdik ang sáko kag ang íya sulúd nga humáy nagáwhak. The sack burst open and a hollow was made in the rice it contained. Sín-o ang nagáwhak siníng túmpok nga humáy? Who encroached on this heap of rice? Who delved into this rice-heap? Huy, mga bátà, índì nínyo paggawhakán ang túmpok nga balás. Hello, you boys there, don't scoop holes in the sand-heap. Ginawhakán ni Fuláno iníng túmpok nga balás, kay íya kinuháan sing isá ka láta sa agás. N.N. dug into this sand-heap, for he took away an oilcanful. Gingawhakán sang makáwat ang ákon ápog. The thief made a hole in my lime. (see gáhuk, etc.).
Custom, manner, behaviour, habit, inclination, propensity, character. Ang íya mga gáwì maláin-or-maláin siá sing gáwì. He has bad habits. (see batásan, kinaanáran, kostúmbre).
The commencement of labour, approach of travail or labour; to feel the approach of-labour,-travail,-confinement; to cause-, to have-, stomach-ache. (see kútoy).
Dim. and Freq. of gáyo and more in use than gáyo. Nagagayógáyo na ang íya tiyán-or-ginagayógáyo na siá. She feels the approach of labour.
Real, true, perfect, thorough; very, verily, truly, really, in very truth, in truth, of a truth, in fact, forsooth, in sooth, absolutely, thoroughly, utterly, quite, wholly, perfectly. Ang íya nga kaísug amó ang isá ka kaísug nga gayúd. His bravery was bravery indeed. Patíha akó, kay ang ginasilíng ko sa ímo matúod nga gayúd. Believe me, for what I am telling you is absolutely true. (see gid).
(Sp. guerra) War, warfare, combat, hostilities, fighting; to war, go to war, fight, wage war. Nagagéra-or-nagageraháy silá. They are at war. Gingéra sang mga Insik ang mga Hapón. The Chinese fought the Japanese. Anó ang íla ginageráhan? What are they fighting or waging war for? What is the reason why they are at war? (see áway, ináway).
(B) An exclamation of (mostly joyful) surprise. Gi, tulúka iní. I say, look at this. Gi, kanámit siní. Why, this tastes fine. Ari na dirî si tátay, gí! Father is here, hurrah! (see kananáks, aráw, ihím). Interrogative: Really? Indeed? Nagkádto ka dídto, gí? Did you go there, indeed? Húo, nagkádto akó dídto.-Gi, gi? Yes, I went there.-You don't say so? Really? (see galî).
(Sp. guia) Guide, leader, conductor, rule, guard. (see manugtóytoy, manugmándò, manugbántay, pagsolóndan, palanganináwan, etc.).
River-mouth. See gibwangán id.
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