Caus. of ánok. Paanóka ang kamóti, lángkà, ságing, etc. Boil the sweet potatoes, the jack-fruit the bananas, etc. soft.
To thicken, to encrust, etc. Caus. of ápol.
Caus. of arádo-to plough. Paaradóha siá sang ákon umá. Let him (Tell him to) plough my field. (see padáro).
To warm, make warm. Paaráng ka ánay dirí. Warm yourself here. Magpaaráng ka sang ímo kamót sa kaláyo. Warm your hands at the fire. (pa, aráng).
Tranquillity, rest, pause, peace, quiet, cessation from work or trouble. (see ipótan, pasingadtoán, kapahuwáyan).
To warm, warm up, heat, make warm. Paaring-ingí ang maís. Heat (warm) the maize by placing it near, but not on, the fire. (see arínging).
(B) To darken, make dark, etc. See paalúm, paágdom. Nagapaarúm siá sang íya guyá. He knits his brows. He is scowling. Ginpaarúm sang ulán ang binángon. The rain blackened the bolo. The rain took the sheen off the bolo.
(B) To pretend to be dead, etc. See paalumátay.
To reach, come to a-stop,-halt, cease to go on, pull up at. Nakapaarús siá dídto sa káhoy. He came to a halt there at the tree. Dídto na siá nakapaarús sa Négros. His journey came to an end at Negros. He stopped when he came to Negros. (see paamúlya).
To dispel, dissolve, scatter. See púas.
To splash, cause to splash or fly off. Paasíka ang túbig. Make the water splash, spatter. Paasíki siá sing inágsap, bató, etc. Send the splinters, stone-chips, etc. flying in his direction. (pa, ásik).
To sour, make sour, allow to go sour. Paaslumá ang sópas. Make the soup sour, put some vinegar into the soup. Paaslumí ang ísdà. Make the fish a little sour, give the fish a flavour of vinegar. (pa, áslum).
To fumigate, fume, cause smoke, smoke, out, treat with smoke, raise a smoke. Paasohá (Paáswa) ang kaláyo. Let the fire smoke. Cause the fire to smoke. Paasohí (Paáswi) iníng hulút. Fumigate this room. Treat this room with smoke. Ipaasó iníng mga dáhon sa kaláyo. Put these leaves on the fire to raise a smoke. (see asó).
To avoid, shun, keep away (aloof) from. See pátlas.
To work-, look out-, be concerned-, for oneselves alone, be selfish. (see pailáíla, paiyáíya, pamiyómíyo).
To put in front of, confront with, hold before one's eyes. Ginpaatubángan níya ang buyóng sang pusíl. He confronted the robber with the rifle. He pointed the rifle at the robber. (pa, atúbang).
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