Seedlings, especially of dágmay, planted first in wet soil and then transferred to kaingín or other dry soil. (see pág-aw id.).
To shed, cause to flow (tears, etc.). Nagpaágay siá sing mapaít nga mga lúhà. She shed bitter tears. Indì mo pagpaagáyon ang íya mga lúhà. Don't make her cry. Ginpaagáyan níya sing madámù nga mga lúhà ang íya anák nga napatáy. She shed many tears over her dead child. (pa, ágay).
To be slow, perform slowly; cause to be slow, etc. Indì mo pagpaagdayón ang ímo paglakát. Don't walk so slow, don't slow down your walk. Ginsógò ko siá nga magdalî, tapát gánì nagpaágday. I ordered him to be quick, but instead of it he dawdled. (pa, ágday).
To darken, make as dark as the leaves of the ágdom-shrub. Nagpaágdom siá sang íya guyá. His face darkened. Indì mo pagpaagdomón ang ímo nawóng. Don't look so disagreeable. Don't pull such a sour face. (pa, ágdom).
Way, manner, method, mode, procedure, process, contrivance, means, medium; to let pass, etc. Dílì maáyo ang íla paági sa pagpatíndog siníng táytay. Their way of building this bridge is no good. Paágyon (paagíhon) mo lang ang mga táo sa ímo dútà. Let the people pass through your land. Sa siní ukón sádto nga paági--. In one way or another, somehow or other, by some means or other, by hook or by crook; anyway, at all events, in any case. Ipaági inâ sa hokóm. Let it be brought before the judge. Let the judge decide it. (see pa, ági).
To make or let follow in regular order. Paagisóda (-óra) ang mga bátà sonô sa íla kataasón. Let the children follow each other in line according to their size. Ginpaagísod níya silá sa kúbay. He made them march in single file, follow one another, as in a procession. (pa, agísod).
To let fields on lease (for part or one half of the produce). Ipaágsa sa íya ang ímo dútà-or-paagsahí siá sang ímo dútà. Let him have your field on lease. Lease him your land. Paagsahá siá. Grant him the lease of the land. (pa, ágsa).
(H) To anger, to make angry, etc. (pa, ákig).
To make shy, timid, bashful, inspire little confidence. Nagpaalág-ag siá sa ákon. He inspired me with little confidence. He made me a little timid. He made me feel afraid of him. (pa, alág-ag).
Caus. of álam. Also: to warn, tell beforehand, caution, forewarn, premonish; to say goodbye, take one's leave, say farewell, bid goodbye, bid adieu. Nagapaálam na akó sa ínyo. I am now saying goodbye to you. Ang katapúsan nga paálam ni Rizál. The last farewell of Rizal. Paálam na. Goodbye. Paalámi siá nga ang mga lampitáw nagaságap sa íya. Warn him that the detectives are looking for him. Ginpaaláman silá nga dáan sang katuyoán sang mga buyóng sa pagatí sang íla nga minurô. They were warned beforehand of the intention of the robbers to sack their village. Ipaálam sa íya nga--. Tell him that--. Ginpaálam sa áton sang pangolohán nga ang bágyo magaági dirí. We received a warning from the government that the typhoon would pass over here. (see paáman, paadiós).
To please, humour, let one have his will or way, let one do-as he pleases,-as he sees fit. Maálam gid siá magpaalangáy sa kay Fuláno. He knows very well how to humour N.N. Ginapaalangayán lang níla iníng bátà nga sutíl, kay bág-o lang nagáyo sa balatían. They allow this naughty boy to do as he pleases, because he has only lately recovered from an illness. (see pasugút).
Caus. of álay. To tire, make stiff. Also: (especially in (B): to worry, feel uneasy, be upset. Ang paglakát nagpaálay sang ákon páa. The walk has made my legs stiff. Pagapaaláyon (pagapaalayón) gid ang ímo láwas kon magpangabúdlay ka sa ínit. You will certainly get tired and stiff, if you work in the heat of the sun. Ngáa nga nagapaaláy ka gid túngud sinâ? Why do you worry about that? Why does such a thing upset you? Anó ang ímo ginapaalayán (sang ímo hunâhúnà)? What are you worrying about? What is it that makes you feel so ill at ease?
To cause to burn badly, etc. Caus. of álhom.
To advance money at a high rate of interest, the loan to be paid back in agricultural products. Paalilíha siá sing ápat ka písos. Advance him four pesos. Ipaalíli lang sa íya iníng kwárta. Loan him this money on the basis of an alíli contract. Ginpaalilíhan akó níya sing isá ka gatús ka mángmang. He lent me one hundred pesos on an alíli-contract. (pa, alíli).
Caus. of alimbukád-to bubble, froth, etc.
Caus. of alintabó-to rise (of dust), etc.
Transference, transfer, conveyance, communication, tradition; to transfer, hand down, etc. (see alínton).
Caus. of aliwános, aliwanós-to move about freely, stir, etc.
A way out, resource, something to-rely upon,-fall back upon,-turn to for help. Walâ na siá sing paaliwánsan. He has now nowhere to go to for help. May paaliwánsan pa siá sa íya nga kalisúd. There is yet a way out of his difficulty. (see aliwános, paaliwános).
To dip into water, etc. Caus. of alób-ob. Paalob-obá lang ang ímo bayóng. Just dip your bamboo tube into the water and fill it.
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