(Sp. tercia, terciar) The third part, one third; to divide by three; to charge one third or even one half of the principal in interest; to go shares in such a way that one third goes to one person and two thirds to the other. Gintersyahán níya akó. He charged me 50% in interest, e.g. for every two bushels of rice supplied by him I have to pay him back three bushels. Gintérsya ko ang íya dútà. I tilled (cultivated, raised crops on) his land for one (or, as the case may by, by special agreement, for two) third (thirds) of the product. Tersyahón ta ang ganánsya sang áton balígyà. Let us go shares in the profit from the sale, I to receive one third (two thirds) and you to receive two thirds (one third). (see tátlo).
A measure containing one third of a given standard unit. Tersyóhan nga pulakán. A pulakán measure containing one third of a gántang. (see talatlóhan).
(Sp. tesorero) Treasurer. Tesoréro Munisipál. Municipal Treasurer. Tesoréro Probinsyál. Provincial Treasurer. (see kuymibánwa, kuymipuód, kúymi).
(Sp. testar) To make a last will or testament; to bequeathe, will to, leave to. (see testaménto).
(Sp. tétano, tétanos) Tetanus, lockjaw.
To charm, cast a spell over, a wizard's trick by means of which he is believed by the credulous to be capable of forcing someone or something to appear or come forward. Ginteuteuán siá sang manugtéutéu. The wizard caused him to appear (by means of a spell cast over him).
To frighten or intimidate children, etc., by showing them the rod or whip.
See téutéu.
(Sp. texto) Text, quotation; writing, the original words of an author; a verse or passage of Holy Scripture. (see sulát, sinulatán, silíng, ginasilíng, púlong).
(B) Has the same meaning as the indefinite "sing". Warâ ti-walâ sing.
There now! Why! Well! Didn't I tell you, or the like. Tî, ngáa ári ka man dirí? Well, why are you here? Tî, náno (anáno) sa ímo? Now then, what is your opinion? What is it to you? What have you got to say about (to do with) it? Tî, ári na siá dirí. Look, he is here now, (didn't I tell you he would come). (see tâ, tê).
Straight down, headlong, head foremost; to fall down headlong; to ram, drive in a post, stake, etc. See tiágdok, tiándok, tibusók, etc.
Headlong, head foremost, etc. See tibusók, tígduk, túgduk, tiándok).
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