Contribution, mite, offering, donation; subscription; to contribute, subscribe, donate, pay a share, donate in common with others, etc. Magámot kamó. Contribute. You should contribute. Amóti nínyo ang simbáhan. Contribute for the church fund. Iámot iníng duhá ka mángmang sa mga nasunúgan sang íla baláy. Contribute these two pesos for the benefit of those whose houses were burned down. Amótan nínyo nga tátlo ang ákon báboy. The three of you should put your money together and buy my pig. May mga paámot sa madámù nga kinahánglan. Contributions are solicited for many needs. Paamóta siá sing madámù kay manggaránon man siá. Get him to contribute a good amount, for he is rich. Madámù ang walâ pa makahátag sang íla ámot. Many have not yet paid their contribution-or-subscription. Paamóti sa mga pumulúyò ang áton hospitál. Get the townspeople to give something in aid of our hospital. (see alamotán, umalamót, báyad, baláyran, tákay).
A holy man or person, a saint, the picture of a saint; father, priest, any revered person.
Grammatically incorrect, but often used and even printed for amó ang. Ang timáan sang Sánta Cruz nga amóy ibáwì mo sa ámon-. The sign of the Holy Cross made use of by Thee as the instrument for our redemption-.
(B) To stay, live, take up one's abode. Nagaamoyóng silá sa umá. They are living at their farm. Ipaamoyóng ko ang ákon masakít nga bátà sa ínyo baláy sa umá, agúd magáyo ang íya balatían. I'll let my sick child stay with you at the farm, in order that it may recover from its sickness. Ang ámon baláy amô ang naamoyongán sang pilasón. Our house it was in which the wounded man took up his abode. Paamoyongá iníng makaloló-oy nga babáe sa ímo baláy. Allow this poor woman to stay at your house. (see lúntad, puyô).
A prominent place, a foremost, reserved or special seat; to choose a prominent seat, to sit in the front row, take a top seat; to show off, give oneself airs. Paámpag is mostly used. Dirâ silá sa ámpag. They are there in the front row. Indì ka magpaámpag. Don't take a top seat. Don't sit in the front row. Don't show off or be ostentatious. Nagapaámpag gid siá. She is carrying herself proudly or showing off. Dílì mo pag-ipaámpag yanáng mga táo. Do not place those men in the front row. Hándà na ang síya nga igapaámpag ko sa Senyór Obispo. The chair is now ready which I will place in a prominent position for His Excellence.
A kind of fish, larger than a panít.
(Sp. amparar) Help, assistance; to help, assist, lend a hand. Ampayóhi siá sa íya mga buluhatón. Help him in his work. Iníng káro páti karabáw iampáyo ko sa íya sa paghákot sing bató. I will assist him to carry stones with this cart and buffalo. Paampayóha sa íya ang ímo sologoón. Let your servant help him or lend him a hand. (see búlig).
A coarse saddle-cloth, saddle-pad, often only an old sack or blanket used instead of a saddle by farmers riding on buffaloes, cows or horses; to use such a saddle-cloth. Nagaampílò siá sing sáko. He is using a sack as a saddle-cloth. Ampilói ang báka. Put a saddle-ploth on the back of the cow. Paampilói ang karabáw. Order someone to put a saddle-cloth on the buffalo. Iníng dáan nga hábul iampílò ko sa kabáyo. I will make use of this old blanket as a saddle-cloth for the horse. (see síya).
Favour, sympathy, support, help, partnership; supporter, sympathizer, helper; to take sides with, to help or support. Walâ siá sing ámpin. He has no-one to support him, or he has no-one to back him up. Kon walâ ka sing ámpin índì ka makadaúg. If you have no help you cannot win. Iníng pányo ilámpin ko sa bátà nga bílang iámpin sa hángin. I'll wrap the child up in this cloth as a protection against the wind. Ampiní siá. Support him. Back him up. Itípyok ko ang tanán ko nga mga ginsakúpan nga ipaámpin ko sa ímo. I will hand over all my followers to your support. Sín-o ang nagámpin sa íya? Who gave him a backing? (see ápin).
(B) A Philippine woman's skirt; to use or wear such a skirt. Nagaámpis siá sing pulá. She wears a red skirt. Ampisí siá. Put a skirt on her. Paampisí siá. Make somebody put a skirt on her or provide her with a skirt. Ampisón ko lang iníng hábul. I'll make a skirt of this blanket, I'll make this blanket serve as a skirt. Iámpis mo ang ámpis. Put on your skirt. Indì ka na magbistído, kóndì magámpis ka gid. Don't wear a short dress any more, but put on a skirt. (see patádyong, tápis).
An act or speech of insolence or contempt, insult, affront; to insult, affront. (see úmpit id. and the more usual form).
Prayer, petition, request, to pray, beseech, ask, beg, petition, request. Nagaámpò akó, or ginaámpò ko nga-. I pray, that-. Iámpò mo akó sa Diós. Please, pray to God for me. Ginaampoán ko ikáw ánay siníng duhá ka mángmang nga ákon útang túbtub nga makítà ko ang ikabáyad sa ímo. I beg of you to wait a little with regard to those two pesos I owe you till I find the money to pay you with. Ampò ka sa hukóm, básì kalo-óyan ikáw níya. Petition the judge, may be he will have compassion with you. Mangámpò akó. I surrender; I give in; I ask for mercy. (An expression often used by one beaten at wrestling, boxing or the like). Ginámpò ko sa íya inâ, ápang walâ níya pag-ihátag sa ákon. I asked him for it, but he did not give it to me. (see pangáyò, pangamúyò, pakilóoy, ahâ, etc.; magalámpò-intercessor, patron).
Fragrance, etc. See amión.
-an, A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place where". Note: This meaning is very clear in place-names, e.g. Batoán-the place where there are stones, from bató-stone; Balásan-the place where there is sand, from balás-sand; Tigbáwan-the place where there is tígbaw-reed, from tígbaw-reed, etc.
NOUNS: I) Likóan-a turning, a lane, from likô-to turn aside; Tuburán-a spring, source, from tubúd-to trickle; Lapakán-a treadle, from lápak-to tread, etc.
2) The suffix-an in conjunction with the prefix ka-goes to form abstract and collective nouns, e.g. Kasugtánan-agreement, from sugút-to agree; Kakahóyan-forest, trees, from káhoy-tree, wood; Kabatáan-children, from bátà-child, baby; Kataóhan-men, mankind, from táo-man; Kabulúyhan-habit, custom, from buyó-to accustom, etc.
ADJECTIVES: Isganán-brave, powerful, from ísug-to be or become brave; Manggáran-rich, wealthy, from mánggad-wealth, property; Gamhánan-mighty, powerful, from gahúm-might, power; Pahóan-one who possesses many mango-trees, from páhò-a mango-tree, etc.
VERBS:-an goes to form what is called "the passive in-an", and denotes:
1) the place where an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ang alipokpokán siníng bakólod pagapatindogán ko sang bág-o ko nga baláy. I will build my new house on the top of this hill. (patíndog-to erect, build). Amó iní ang lugár nga linúbngan níla sa kay Fuláno. This is the place where they buried (the body of) N.N. (lubúng-to bury).
2) the person for whose benefit, or to whose detriment, an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ginbuhátan níya akó sing asálan. He made a roasting spit for me. (búhat-to make). Indì mo siá paghimóan sing maláin. Don't harm him. (hímò-to do, with maláin-to do harm).
3) an impression, affection, sensation, mental state, or the like, e.g. Natahumán akó sinâ. That impressed me with its beauty. That appeared to me quite nice, (tahúm-to be or become nice, beautiful). Nalas-ayán akó sa íya. I am disgusted with him. He is abominable to me. (lás-ay-to be or become insipid). Nagin-otán akó. I feel it sultry. (gínot-to be or become sultry). Ginaitumán akó siníng báyò. This dress (jacket)-looks black to me,-is too black for me. (itúm-to be or become black), etc.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of-an. "Naadlawán akó"-to quote only one example-means: "Full daylight was (came) upon me". But in connection with what may precede or follow this phrase can be translated in various ways, e.g. "I stayed till (late in the) morning". "I continued to do something without interruption till the sun stood high in the heavens". "I arrived in bright daylight (and came-too late,-too soon,-in time)". "I passed part of the day, or a full day", etc. Hence the translations given in this dictionary are not exclusive of other versions.
A kind of tree.
(B) His, her, hers, its. See íya, níya. Ana gid diá nga salâ. (íya gid iníng salâ). This fault is undoubtedly his.
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