String, band, rope, cord, thong, line, guy; to tie, bind, fasten with a string, lash, string, rope. Igóos mo iníng kalát sa tuód. Tie this rope to the stump. Goósi sing písì ang gákut nga humáy. Bind the bundle of rice. Goósa ang kalát. Fasten the rope. Igóos akó sang pinutús. Kindly tie up the parcel for me with string. Makalámbut ka balá sa paggóos sang pugáwa sa úkbong sang búgsok? Can you reach high enough to bind the cross-piece to the top of the paling? Naglóslos ang góos. The rope got loose. (see higót).
To get or sink into a hole, ditch or the like, to be ditched, to descend, go down. Ang alíling sang íla trak nakagó-ot sa embornál kag mabúdlay kaáyo ang pagpahalín. The wheel of their truck got into the ditch and it was difficult to get it out. Andam ka, índì mo pagigóot sa búhò ang káro. Take care not to drive the cart into the hole.
Dim. and Freq. of góot. Ang áwto naggoótgóot sa mga nadalúman sang dálan. Now and again the automobile had to pass through deep holes on the road.
(Sp. gorra) Cap, bonnet.
To take or use something that belongs to another with the intention of giving it back. (Only used amongst friends). Gingórdo lang níya ang ákon páypay. She merely borrowed my fan. Indì mo paggordohón ang íya sang ibán. Don't take what belongs to others. (see ángkon, kúhà, buúl, karipón, lámang, lábni, gulámni, kulámi).
(Sp. gorgorita) A water-cooler made of earthenware; a narrow-mouthed jar or pot for cooling water.
(B) To thrust or stick in, etc. See gólò.
To hiss, bubble, effervesce, fizz, fizzle, sing, froth, foam, gurgle as rice when nearly boiled, a soda-water bottle on being opened or the like. Nagagórò na ang tiníg-ang. The boiling rice is hissing (i.e. is nearly cooked). Magagórò ang serbésa kon búksan ang botílya. Beer fizzes when the bottle is opened. (see bórò, sórò).
(B) To distrust, mistrust, be skeptical as to, question, doubt the fairness or justice of. Nagagorogotó ang ákon buót sang pagbáhin níla sang maís. I suspect unfairness in their division of the corn. (see sabít).
A partially developed egg in a hen's ovary.
A kind of plant with medicinal properties.
(B) To cut, etc. See golót. Gótron-gótlon.
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