From hákup-to scoop up with the hands.
Used mostly in the compound form panghákroy, panhákroy-to moan, complain, sigh, heave a sigh, groan, wail, bewail, mourn, lament. Indì ka manghákroy sing lakás. Don't lament too much. Pinanghakroyán níya ang kamatáyon sang íya ilóy. He bewailed the death of his mother. Ginpanghakroyán níya akó, agúd tabángan ko siá. He besought me with sighs to come to his assistance. (see bákhò).
To palpitate, thump, pulsate, throb, hammer, race, beat quickly or violently; palpitation, etc. Nagahakúbhakúb ang íya tagiposóon sa kahádluk. Her heart throbs violently with fear. Kon kulbaán akó dáyon ang hakúbhakúb sang dúghan ko-or-dáyon nagahakúbhakúb ang dúghan ko. When I am scared my heart begins at once to palpitate. (see pitík, kubákubá).
To need, cost, want, use up, consume or take much, be greedy of, be expensive. Indì ka maghákug sang ikáon. Don't finish too much of the side-dish. Ginhákug níya ang paginúm sang bíno kag nahubúg. He took too much wine and got drunk. Hinakúgan gid níya ang pagkáon sing báboy. He gorged himself with pork. Iníng paghímos mo sang talóng nagahákug sang mantékà. Your preparation of the egg-plant in this way takes a lot of lard. (see ámbas).
The compound form panhakúl, panghakúl is mostly used. To plead, beseech, implore, complain, lament, cry out in grief or sorrow, ask with tears. Indì ka magpanghakúl sing lakás, kay ánhon mo? Ang karabáw nga patáy índì na mabánhaw. Don't lament too much, for what can you do? The dead buffalo will not rise again. Ginpanghakulán akó níya sa pagpahulám sa íya sing kwárta. He implored me with tears to lend him some money. Nagapanghakúl kamí sa ímo --. We beseech thee --. We are crying out to thee --. (see hákroy, bákhò, pakilóoy, pakitábang).
A (double) handful; to take up, ladle out with one hand or with the two hands put together. Hákpa (hakúpa) lang iníng balás, kag isulúd sa kahón. Just scoop up this sand with your hands and put it into the box. Hákpi akó sing tátlo ka hákup nga balingón. Get me three handfuls of small dried fish. Ihákup akó siníng mga ságbot nga sinílhig. Kindly take up in your hands these sweepings. Sín-o ang nagkúhà sing isá ka hákup nga maís, kay hílmon gid nga hinákpan iníng túmpok? Who has taken a (double) handful of corn, for it is apparent that this heap has been encroached upon with hands put together? Ihákup iníng papél sa tái sang kuríng. Use this paper to take up the cat's excrements.
Cartage, carriage, conveyance, portage, porterage, freight; to carry, cart, ship, transport, bear, convey, fetch, bring, take, in successive loads. Hakúta iníng mga bató sa baláy. Cart these stones to the house. Sín-o ang magahákut sang ímo humáy? Who will bring in your rice? Hakúti akó siníng mga napúlò ka pásong nga humáy sa ákon tambóbo. Carry these ten bushels of rice to my granary. Diín silá?-Nagahákut silá sing káhoy nga halalígyon sang ákon baláy. Where are they?-They are hauling in the wood for the posts of my house. Ihákut ko iníng karabáw sa humáy. I'll use this buffalo to fetch the rice. Ihákut akó siníng túmpok nga kawáyan sa ákon umá, kay himóon ko nga kamálig. Kindly transport this pile of bamboo to my field, for I am going to build a hut with it. (see dalá, dúl-ung).
To raise, lift, heave, hoist, take up from the ground. Hakwatá iníng bató. Lift this stone. Hakwatí ang dálan sináng mga bató. Take those stones off the road. Indì siá makahákwat sináng bató, kay lakás kabúg-at. He cannot lift that stone, it is too heavy. Ipahákwat lang ináng bató nga mabahúl sa ímo nga mánong, kay ikáw índì makasaráng. Let your elder brother lift that stone, for you cannot do it. (see púlut, gíhit, ínkà, álsa, ógkat-to take up a corpse).
To litter, throw down-, spread-, scatter-, in disorder. Ihál-id lang sa báid ang mahígkò nga panápton. Just throw your dirty linen in the corner. Indì ka maghál-id sang mga papél sa salúg. Don't litter the floor with those papers. Hal-idí (-irí) ang pamúsud sang hulút siníng mga ulúnan. Throw these pillows in the corner of the room. (see dúm-ok, háb-on).
An exclamation to invite attention. Hello, halloo, halloa, hullo, hi, hey, now then, or the like. Halá, lakát na kamó. Now then march. Halá, pamurús kamó nga tanán. Hi! Put all your strength into it, all of you. Halá, halín kamó. Quick now, clear out.
To shout "halá". Kon haláhon ang mga bátà magahúyab silá. If one shouts "halá" to the boys, they will scamper off. Haláha ang mga bátà nga nagagináhud sa atubángan sang baláy. Shout "halá" to the children making a noise in front of the house (and drive them away).
(H) To graze, crop or eat grass, pasture, browse. Ang mga karnéro nagahálab sa latagón. The sheep are browsing in the field. Ginhálab sang mga báka ang ámon mga maís. The cattle were eating our corn. Pahalába (pahálba) ang mga karabáw. Put the buffaloes out to grass. Drive the buffaloes to pasture. Pahalábi (pahálbi) lang ang bungálon sang ímo kabáyo. Just let your horse graze in the zacate-field. Pasture your horse in the zacate-field.
Long. See malábà.
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