To grasp, take hold of, cling to (as a child clings to its mother).
See higála, higára-companion, friend, etc.
To lighten, ease, alleviate, relieve, moderate, allay, assuage, temper, make or become less burdensome or heavy, abate. Hagána ang íya pangabúdlay. Lighten his work. Give him less work. Nahagánan siá sa íya mga buluhatón, kay ginbulígan siá ni Fuláno. His duties were made lighter, for N.N. helped him. Naghágan na ang kasakít, kay nagbúswang ang hubág. The pain has abated, for the ulcer has burst. Ang bulúng nga gindápat sang médiko nagpahágan sang ákon balatyágon. The medicine applied by the doctor eased my pain.
Dim. and Freq. of hágan. Also adjective: Lightened, eased, bearable, sufferable, supportable, tolerable, endurable. Masakít pa ang pilás mo?-Húo, ápang hagánhágan na. Is your wound still painful?-Yes, but it is bearable now. (see gaángáan).
To murmur; rustle. See hugánas id.
To look for, forage, go in search (of eatables, etc.). Nagahágap siá sang íya pagkáon. He is looking for something to eat. Hagápi akó sang ákon panyagáhon. Get me some dinner. Look out for some dinner for me. Ihágap akó ánay sing ísdà, kay igasúd-an ko. Please look for some fish for me; I want to eat it as a side dish. Ginahágap ko ang ákon ginháwa. I am trying to get back my breath (after a swoon or fainting fit, etc). Ginahágap ko lang ang pagtahî, kay walâ akó sing anteóhos. I am sewing by touch, because I have no spectacles. (see lághap, sághap, ságap).
To waste, wear out, grow-lean,-thin,-weak,-faint (of body, voice, etc.). Nagahágas na ang íya tíngug. His voice is weakening. Ang maláwig nga pakigpúlongpúlong nagpahágas sang íya tíngug. The lengthy discourse made his voice grow faint. Nakahágas ang íya láwas. He grew thin, wasted away. (see kág-as).
To draw, pull, draggle, shuffle, push noisily along a floor (as shuffling the slippered feet, etc.). (see sagúdsud).
Weak, thin, soft, faint (of voice). Naghagáw ang íya tíngug. His voice became weak. (see hágas).
To air, give things an airing, take things out (from boxes, cupboards, etc. and spread them in the open air, lest they should spoil), set out, bring forth, show openly. Ihagáy ináng mga panápton. Give those clothes an airing. Hagayá ang mga dáhon sang tabákò. Spread the tobacco-leaves in the open air. Hagayí akó siníng mga maís. Spread these corn-cobs in the air for me. Ihagáy akó ánay siníng mga ulús. Kindly air these clothes. (see bulád, háway, kúyang).
Shadow, shade, obscurity, gloom, umbrage, murk, dusk; to be or become shadowy, dark, etc. May hágbong sa pihák sang baláy. There is shadow behind the house. Mapasílong kitá sa baláy ukón makádto lang kitá sa hágbong sang káhoy? Shall we enter a house or shall we just go under the shade of a tree? Nagahágbong ang kalibútan kon madámù ang gál-um. It becomes dark if there are many clouds. (see hándong, lándong, háron, lámbung).
Stair, staircase, stairway, ladder, flight of-stairs,-of steps, step-ladder; to apply or use a ladder. Hagdaní ang baláy mo. Provide your house with a flight of steps. Ihágdan ko iníng káhoy sa ákon baláy. I'll use this wood to make stairs for my house. Ginhagdanán níla ang baláy sing tápì, agúd maghapús ang pagsákà. They made a stair of planks to their house to make it easy to go up. Diín ang hágdan? Where is the ladder?
Staircase, place where the stair or ladder is attached; entrance. Diín ang hagdánan sang ínyo baláy? Where is the entrance to your house? (see hágdan).
Dim. and Freq. of hágdò. Also: to pet, fondle, play with. (see aró-áro).
Interstice, opening, loose connection, separation at seams; loosely connected or woven, not well joined, far apart; to weave loosely, etc. Abáw, dalágkù ang mga hághag sang ímo salúg! Goodness me, how far apart your flooring is spaced! Haghagá ang paghabúl siníng hénero. Weave this cloth loosely. (see hayághag, malakâ, lakâ).
To shake, remove by shaking or agitating. Ihághag ang hilamón túbtub nga madágdag ang dútà. Shake the (bunch of) grass till the earth drops from it.
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