To hang down loosely, dangle. (see kabílkabíl, kawáykawáy).
A swing, hammock, anything suspended and used as a swing. (see abiogán, halabiogán, dúyan, batóng).
To snatch-, draw-, pull-, jerk-, out rather quickly, take hold of with a jerk or with a swift pulling motion. Habnusá iníng pilá ka sókdap nga gabúk sang amákan kag ilísan mo sing mga bág-o. Pull out these few rotten slips from the bamboo mat and replace them with new ones. Habnusí ang díngding sing isá ka tádtad. Pull off a tád-tad-strip from the partition-wall. Ihábnus akó ánay siníng liníyas nga kawáyan sa kodál. Please pull this piece of split bamboo out of the fence. Ihábnus akó sing pilá ka nahót nga lánot nga talagakón, kay ákon sugponón kag tagákon. Please jerk a few hemp-fibres (off the line) and give them to me, because I am going to connect them and arrange them neatly. (see húnus, gúnut, bíngkas, tábnus).
To surfeit, glut, cloy, cause loathing by eating to excess or, especially, by eating food that contains much fat or sugar. Nabábò ang ginháwa ko sang pagkáon, kay busúg na akó. I feel an aversion to food, for I am completely satisfied. Ang lakás nga dólse nga íya kináon naghábò sang íya ginháwa. The sweets he has eaten to excess have cloyed him. (see taká, sumó, súm-od).
(B) To swing, rock. See hábiog.
To loosen, inflate, blow up, swell up, distend, become soft and bulky. Nagahábok ang íya hubág. His boil is swelling. Pahabóka ang dútà maglíbut sa kamátis-or-pahabóki sing dútà ang kamátis. Loosen the earth around the tomatoes. Ginpahábok níya ang balokán sang báboy. He blew up (inflated) the pig's bladder.
Swelling, distending; swollen, inflated, distended; proud, haughty, over-bearing, stuck-up. (see hábok).
(Sp. jabon) Soap; to soap, use or apply soap. Haboní gid ang pányo kon lábhan mo. Soap the handkerchief well when you wash it. Manghabón ka kon manghináw ikáw. Use soap when you wash your hands. Ihabón akó siníng mga pínggan, kay tinloán ko. Please put some soap on these plates, for I am going to clean them. Hugásan mo ánay sing maínit nga túbig ang pánit kag ugáling habonán. Clean the skin first with hot water and then apply soap.
A screen, shelter, canopy, blind, jalousie, shade, curtain, awning to keep off the sun; to put up a screen, etc. against the sun or the like. Butangí sing habónghábong ang bintánà. Put a blind on the window. Screen the window against the sun. Ihabónghábong akó sang bintánà, kay masílak kaáyo ang ádlaw. Kindly put a shade on the window, for the light of the sun is quite dazzling. Habónghabóngi kamí, kay maínit. Draw the blinds, for it is hot. Habónghabóngon ko lang iníng hábul. I'll just use this blanket to keep off the sun. (see hándong, lámbung).
Worn-out, used-up, exhausted, dead-beat, done-up; to wear out, etc. Habót na gid akó sa lakás nga pagpangabúdlay. I am now quite worn out by hard work. Habót na ang delárgo ko. My trousers are frayed-or-the worse for wear. Indì mo paghabotón ang bág-o mo nga ulús. Don't wear out your new clothes. Ginahabót gid lang níya ang láwas níya sa walâ sing pulús nga trabáho. He is wearing himself out with useless labour. Nagahabót ang ginháwa ko. I am becoming exhausted. Habót nga háblon. A frail, fragile, warp or an old, worn-out cloth. (see gubát, rabanít, rabót, gurísnay, gúsbat, pulinás, kulirô, lapát).
(H) To throw, fling, cast, hurl, shoot, pitch, toss, chuck. Ihabóy sa ákon ang isá ka nahót nga tabákò. Throw me a cigar. Haboyí akó sing bóla. Pitch me a ball. Ginhabóy akó níya sing madámù nga mga bató, ápang walâ siá makaígò sa ákon. He flung many stones at me, but did not hit me. (see pilák, bálang).
See hábog.
To be, become or make blunt, dull (said of edged or pointed tools, etc.). Naghábul ang binángon. The bolo has become blunt. Indì mo paghabúlon ang tigíb. Don't blunt the chisel.
To weave (cloth). Hábla iní. Weave this. Hábli akó sing duhá ka pánid nga pányò. Weave me two handkerchiefs. Ihabúl mo akó ánay sang ákon háblon, dílì sang íya sang ibán. Please weave (into cloth) my materials first and not those of others. Maálam ka balá maghabúl? Do you know how to weave? Húo, kay ang ákon nánay bántug nga manughábul, kag íya man akó gintudloán sang tanán nga bágay sang haláblon. Yes, for my mother was a well-known weaver and she taught me all kinds of weaving. (see lála, rára-to weave wicker-work).
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