To seize-, grasp-, take-, grab-, much of, be eager to get, scramble or make for, make a run at, struggle to obtain, rush upon. Ginhábwà lang níla ang kárne sa ilihawán, ang humáy sa alányan, etc. They rushed upon the meat at the butcher's, upon the rice in the harvest-field, etc. Indì kamó maghábwà sang tinápay-or-índì nínyo paghabwaón ang tinápay. Don't make such a scramble for the bread. Diín siá nakahábwà sing pílak kay manggaránon siá karón? Where did he pick up the money, for he is rich now? (see káka, kúhà, ágaw, típon, karipón).
See hábiog, habiogán.
To prate, prattle, babble, jabber, gabble, twaddle, chatter; rattle on, vaunt, boast, brag. A, nagahádak lang siá. Ah, he just talks for the sake of talking. Indì mo pagihádak ináng mga waláy pulús nga butáng. Don't twaddle about such silly things. Ginhádak níya sa ákon ang íya mga ginagíhan. He boasted to me of what he had gone through. Ginhadákan níya akó túbtub nga nasum-orán akó. He rattled on at me till I got sick of it. (see wákal, búrà, hámbog).
Fear, fright, timidity, apprehension, anxiety, diffidence, consternation, alarm, dismay, dread, terror, awe, funk, scare, panic; to fear, be apprehensive, etc. Indì ka magkahádluk. Don't be afraid. Have no fear. Ginakahadlukán ko siá. I am afraid of him. Ipahádluk sa íya iní-or-pahadluká siá siní. Overawe him with this. Nahadlukán silá. They were scared, dismayed. Dílì mo igkahádluk ang amó nga mga butáng. Don't get alarmed over such things. Pahadluká siá. Make him afraid. Nagakahádluk silá nga --. They are apprehensive of --. They are afraid, lest --. (see táhap, dírham, kúlbà, lísang, kúgmat).
Wave, billow, surge, swell, roller, breaker, white horses; to form breakers, etc. May hádok sa subâ-or-nagahádok ang subâ. The river is choppy.
To roam, loaf, ramble, saunter, walk about idly, take a stroll, idle. Igò lang ikáw sang hádoy-or-daláyon lang ikáw nagahádoy. You are a loafer-or-You are always idling.
Dim. and Freq. of hádoy. Nagahadóyhádoy lang silá. They are just roaming, loitering or walking about idly. Hadóyhádoy lang ikáw kay walâ ka man sing palamúgnan. Take a stroll as you have no job. (see hagóyhágoy, lagáwlágaw, landólándo, tiyógtiyóg).
To buy up, buy wholesale, contract for all that is for sale. Ginhág-on ko ang íya ságing. I bought up his bananas. Ginhag-onán ko siá sang tanán níya nga ságing. I made a contract with him for all his bananas. Ihág-on akó sang íya kamóti. Kindly buy up for me his sweet potatoes. Ipahág-on mo sa ákon ang ímo kalámay, índì mo ánay pagibalígyà sa ibán. Let me have all your sugar; don't sell it to others. (see ságib).
To invite, persuade, request, tempt, induce, bias, move, bring-over,-around, allure, entice, ask-to come,-assist,-to take part in. Hagáda (-ára) siá sa paghápit dirí. Invite him to call here. Ginhágad akó níya sa pagtámbong sa bulangán. He tempted me to go the cock-pit. Hagádi (-ári) akó sing mga táo nga magabúlig sa ákon olobráhon. Get some men to help me in my work. Hinagáran níla ang íla bádù sing madámù nga bisíta. They invited many guests to their banquet. Ihágad akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him on my behalf. Indì ka maghágad sa íya sa pagdúguk sa mga kalingáwlingáwan nga maláut. Don't entice him to take part in harmful diversions. (see ágda, kángay, dápit, dáhan).
See hádak. Indì ka maghágak. Don't prattle, boast or brag. Ginhagákan akó níya sang íya kaálam. He boasted to me of his learning. Pahagáka lang siá. Get him to brag-or-Let him rattle on.
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