(Sp. confesionario) Confessional, confessional box.
(Sp. consabido, consaber) Confabulation, collusion, agreement, understanding. Konsábo níla iní. There is an understanding between them as regards this-or-They jointly contrived this. (see kasugtánan, kasapulán, húmon, hinubónhúbon, pahítò, padúgi, patúga, etc.).
(Sp. consagrar) To consecrate. Konsagrahí iníng mga pórmas. Consecrate these hosts. Pilá ka pórmas ang nakonsagrahán kaína sang ága? How many hosts were consecrated this morning?
(Sp. consagración) Consecration.
(Sp. concejal) Councillor, member of a council, municipal councillor. (see kasápul).
(Sp. considerar) To consider, take into consideration, have a heart, show sympathy. Konsiderahí ang ákon mga kalisúd. Take into consideration my difficulties. (see pasunáid, patugsíling).
(Sp. consideracion) Consideration, commiseration, fellow-feeling, humanity, sympathy, compassion, forbearance. De konsiderasyón-worthy of consideration, to be reckoned with, having influence, standing or property. Táo nga walâ konsiderasyón. A man without consideration or pity. Táo nga de konsiderasyón. A man of influence or good standing. (see pasunáid, patugsíling, kaló-oy, kaáwà, dawâdawâ, dirâ-dirâ).
(Sp. conciencia) Conscience. (see ipalatugsíling, tagiposóon).
(Sp. cónsul) Consul.
(Sp. consultar) To consult, ask advice, take counsel, take counsel with. Magkonsúlta-or-magkonsultár ka sa manugbúlung. Consult a doctor (physician). Ginkonsultahán ko siá. I asked his advice. Ikonsultár mo sa íya kon mapamanílà ikáw ukón índì. Ask his advice whether you should go to Manila or not. Also noun: Consultation, conference, a question proposed and the answer given. (see pamángkot, pakigkítà).
(Sp. consuelo) Consolation, relief, condolence, solace, encouragement, comfort; joy, cheering up, mirth, gaiety, merriment, merry-making, pleasure. (see kalípay).
(Sp. contra) Against, in opposition to; to oppose, resist, go against, counteract, run counter to, clash with, cross, conflict with, beat-, run-, militate-, against, withstand, antagonize; opposition, objection; opponent, enemy. Ang kaálwan kóntra sa kaímot. Liberality is opposed to niggardliness. Indì ka magkóntra (mangóntra) sa mga sógò sang ímo ginikánan. Do not go against the orders of your parents. Ang mga nagakóntra (magapangóntra) sa pagbulút-an magabatás sang sílot. Those that go against the law will be punished. Nagakontrahánay silá. They are opposed to each other. They are quarrelling or fighting. Madámù ang íya mga kóntra. He has many enemies. (see bátok, bátò, kasúmpung, kaáway).
(Sp. contrario) Contrary; opponent, enemy, antagonist, contestant. (see kóntra, etc.).
(Sp. contrata) Contract, agreement, bargain; deed, document (containing the terms of a contract, etc.). (see kasugtánan, katípan, kaligonán).
(Sp. contratista) Contractor; one who gathers workmen or farm hands.
(Sp. contrato) Contract, stipulation, pact, agreement. (see kontráta, kasugtánan).
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