United, in unison, closely attached to each other, cooperating, collaborating, pulling well together. (see úgyon).
Scoffing, jeering, jibing, mocking, making, game of, jesting, deriding, ridiculing. (see uligâ).
Angry, cross, furious, wild, rabid, irate, apt to become angry, etc. at the slightest provocation. (see ugút).
Scoffing, mocking, insulting. (see úmpit, mainuligáon).
Attached to, partial to, adhering to, united with, ready to help or assist out of natural affection or sympathy. (see únung).
Leading to-misery,-bankruptcy,-poverty; sinking, falling, liable to come to grief. (see úsmud).
Progressive, prosperous, extending, making progress, getting on, making one's way in the world; postponing, procrastinating, prolonging, protracting. (see úswag).
(Sp. maiz) Maize, Indian corn, corn.
Selfish, calculating. (ísip).
Brave, valiant, intrepid, bold, courageous, violent, strict, harsh. (ísug).
Selfish, egotistic. (see íya-his, etc.).
A prefix used in the following ways:
1) To form the potential future tense of the active voice (see ma- for the passive voice), e.g. Makabúhat ikáw sinâ? Are you, or shall you, be able to do that? Makadángat siá sang íya nga ginatúyò, kon mapísan siá. He will be able to obtain his desire, if he is earnest about it. Makabáyad na siá sang íya útang, kay dakû ang sináplid níya sa pangomérsyo. He can now pay his debt, for he has made a large profit in business. Walâ siá makaabút, kay madámol ang ulán. He could not come, for there was a heavy rain. Indì siá makahalín. He cannot leave or get away. N.B. Quite frequently this "maka-", particularly in verbs expressive of any mental or sensitive operation, has the meaning of the present, e.g. Makahibaló ka siní? Do you understand this? Makabatî ikáw sang túnug sang linggánay? Do you hear the sound of the bell? Makakítà na akó sa íya dirâ. Now I see him over there. (see naka-).
2) to form adjectives meaning "able to, capable of, giving rise to or causing" what the root implies. "Maka-" is either simply prefixed to the root, e.g. "makaákò-powerful, mighty (ákò) or, as is more frequently the case, the first syllable of the root is reduplicated and then "maka-" prefixed, e.g. "makalilípay-causing joy or pleasure, joyful, pleasing (lípay); makalilísang-inspiring terror, causing great fear, terrible, shocking (lísang); makangingíl-ad-exciting nausea, loathsome (ngíl-ad), etc.
3) to form multiples corresponding to the English -times, e.g. makalíbo-a thousand times; makaduhákapúlò-twenty times; makaisá-once, etc.
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