(B) For natóhok (natohók (H)).
To fray, ravel, fret, become frayed, ravelled, fretted, to get loose or separate (of threads or fibres in cloth, etc.). Ang ákon báyò nagakanátnat na sa kagabukón. My jacket is getting frayed on account of rottenness. Sa kadaanón nagakanátnat ang íya hábul. On account of being old his blanket is beginning to fray (ravel) out. (see nútnut, tâtâ, sarabusáb, tingkarág).
Genitive of kitá-we (the person addressed being included). Of us, ours; by, through, etc. us. Ang talámnan náton. Ang áton talámnan. Our field. Ginbúhat náton inâ. Aton ginbúhat inâ. That was done by us. We did that (it). (see ákon).
(Sp. natura) Nature, quality.
(Sp. natural) Natural. Very frequently applied to children born out of wedlock; also to a sore, disease or death not caused by an accident.
See panáug-to go down, descend, step down, come down, go downstairs, leave the house, go away. Nanáug siá kaína lang. He went down-stairs just a short while ago. He went away just a moment ago. Panaúgi ang bátà dídto. Go down to the child there.
Pleasant, pleasing, gentle, mild, cheerful, especially of the expression of the face; to be or become pleasant, etc. Nagnayánáya ang íya nawóng sang pagkabatî níya siní. When he heard this his face lit up with pleasure. Nanayánayáhan akó sang íya guyá. I consider his face quite pleasing or cheerful. His face impressed me with its placidity or gentleness. (see alikáya).
To be or become wide, spacious, roomy, ample, extensive, unobstructed, large, clear, plain, even. Nagnáyap na iníng lugár, kay natapás ang mga káhoy. This place is now an extensive clearing, because the trees have been cut down. Nanayápan akó sang íya umá. His farm appeared to me to be very large (extensive). (see hanáyap, hanáyak, hanáhay).
(B) Far, far away, very distant, a long way off, remote; to be far away, etc. Ang Amérika nayók-náyok gid. America is very far away. Yádtong búkid nayóknáyok sa Ilóngílong. That mountain is a long way from Iloilo. Ang mga bánwa nga nanayóknáyok sa amínhan--. The towns situated in the far North (far to the North)--. (see manayóknáyok, layô, malayô).
Proximity or nearness to, direction towards, side, party; in the direction of, towards, near, in the neighbourhood, neighbouring, at the side of, on the way to. Diín náyon ang ímo baláy? In what direction, where about is your home? Sa búkid náyon. Towards the mountains, in the direction of or near the mountains. Ang íya baláy dirí náyon sang simbáhan, ang ákon dídto náyon. His home is on this side of the church, mine is on the other side. Anó nga náyon ang íya nga ginahilayán? What side or party is he inclined to (does he favour)? Diín dapít náyon ang ímong palangúmhan? Whereabout (Whereabouts) is your farm? N.B. Dapít náyon is often used, but is really a pleonasm, as both terms mean the same thing. (see dapít).
Far away, etc. See nayóknáyok id.
(Sp. negar) To deny, refuse, give the lie to, contradict, gainsay. Ginnegár níya ang sinúgid ni Fuláno. He denied N.N.'s story. Negahá yanáng mga butángbútang. Give the lie to those slanders. (see himutíg).
(Sp. negociante) Business man, dealer, merchant, trader, tradesman, storekeeper. (see komersyánte, pumalatíkang).
(Sp. negocio) Business, trade, commerce, transaction, deal, bargain. (see komérsyo, palatikángan, palangitán-an).
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