Dim. and Freq. of ngísi-to grin slightly.
To whine, whimper, mewl, pule, wail, utter plaintive sounds with closed lips, as is often done by children, etc. Indì ka magngíthil. Don't whine. Don't utter pettish, peevish complaints.
To be or become black, dark, etc. See nitónitó. (see maitúm, itúm, ilúm, mailúm, mangitóngitó).
To moan, complain, weep, cry, whimper, whine, sigh. (see ngíthil, ngóyngoy, ngábngab, gáab, bákhò, tángis, hibî, panalabíton, panalambíton).
To suck the fingers, put a finger into one's mouth. Ang bátà nagangólngol sang íya túdlò. The baby is sucking its finger. Ipangólngol ang ímo túdlò sa bátà nga nagahibî. Give the crying baby your finger to suck. Indì mo pagngolngolón ang ímo kamomóo. Don't put your thumb into your mouth. (see lótgot, sópsop, súyup, yúpyup).
To speak with a timid, broken voice, to falter, stammer, be bashful or nervous (of speech). Indì ka magngolôngolô. Don't be afraid to speak out. Don't stammer. Don't speak haltingly (falteringly). (see morômorô).
Sob, whine, plaintive voice, sigh; to sob, whine, sigh. (see ngóyngoy).
Sting, prick, throbbing, compunction; to throb, beat, trouble, sting, prick, perplex, gnaw at. Nagangótngot ang íya hubág, ang íya tagiposóon, etc. His ulcer, his heart, etc. is throbbing. Ginangotngotán siá sang íya konsyénsya. His conscience is gnawing him, troubles or perplexes him. Ang íya nga ginhímò nagapangótngot karón sang íya kalág. What he did fills his soul now with remorse. (see ngítngit).
Murmur, grumble, muttering, complaint; to murmur, mutter, grumble, complain, croak, growl, show discontent by speech. Indì ka magngúrab. Don't grumble. Ginngurában níya akó. He murmured against me. Ginngúrab níya ang íya kaákig. He gave vent to his anger by uttering complaints. (N.B. "ngúrab" means to voice one's complaint by saying what is one's grievance, "kósmod, ambohóng, ariwaróng" mean to show one's discontent by manner, expression or gesture).
A smile, simper, smirk; to smile, simper, smirk, grin, sneer, fleer. Ginpamángkot ko siá, ápang siá íya nagngurîngúrì lang nga walâ magsabát. I asked him, but he for his part only grinned and did not answer. Ginngurîngurían (Ginngurîngurián) níya akó. He smiled or grinned pleasantly at me. (see balangisí, lángsì).
A growl, snarl, as of an angry dog; to growl, snarl, grumble, utter in a surly way. Indì ka magngúrub. Don't snarl. Don't be so surly. Ginngurúban sang idô ang dumulúong. The dog growled at the stranger. (see ngúrab).
See ngóyngoy-sigh, groan, etc.
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