See néna, akáy, índay, as terms of endearment for young girls.
(Sp. nerviosidad) Nervousness.
(Sp. nervio) Nerve, tendon; nerves, strength.
See nerbiosidád.
(Sp. nervioso) Nervous, easily excited or upset, excitable, neurotic, scrupulous.
A conjunctive particle used in various ways:
a.) to connect adjectives and nouns, nouns and nouns, etc., e.g. mabúg-at nga lúlan. A heavy load. Sa manábaw nga subâ. In the shallow river. Baláy nga bató. A stone building. Isá ka kúlon nga kán-on. A kettle full of rice. Mga ságing nga tinanók. Boiled bananas. Ang mga nagahuníhúni nga sirúmsirúm. The chirping crickets. Isá ka lubí nga binukâ. A split coconut.
b.) to connect ideas or sentences, equivalent to: that, in order that, if. Nakadumdúm akó nga--. I thought that--. Ang labíng maáyo nga magkádto ka dídto sa súbung siní. It would be best, if you went there at once. Indì mo pagkalímtan nga buás masúgud kitá magarádo. Don't forget that tomorrow we begin ploughing.
c.) as relative pronoun. Ang táo nga naglubás kaína amó ang ákon tíyò. The man who passed a while ago is my uncle. Amó iní ang bátà nga mahúmok gid sing úlo. This is the boy who has a very bright under-standing. Diín na ang tigíb nga gingámit ko kahápon? Where is the chisel I used yesterday?
d.) as an introduction to an exclamation. Nga pagkalisúd sang pangabúhì karón! Oh, how difficult living conditions are! Nga pagkabungúl siníng bátà! Oh, the stubbornness (obstinacy) of this boy! How stubborn this boy is!
Why; wherefore, for what reason, cause or purpose; now, how is that, let me see, tell me, or the like. Ngáa man nga ginhímò mo inâ? Why did you do that? Ngáa balá nga gintúga sang Diós ang kalibútan? Why did God create the world? Ngáa náton? How does it concern us? Why do we say so? What have we to do with it? Ngáa, isá gid ka anó ang mahátag níya sa ímo? Tell me, how much can he give you? Ngáa man nga índì (walâ) ka magkádto dídto? Why don't you (didn't you) go there? (see tungúd, sa, anó, bangúd, sa, anó, ándot).
To cry or weep aloud, wail, lament, keen, howl, roar, bawl, yell, squeal, squall, shout with pain. Nagngábngab siá, kay ginbúnal ni tátay. He howled, because he got a whipping from father. Indì ka magngábngab. Don't bawl. Ngabngabí ang ilóy mo kon ilubúng. Wail (lament) for your mother, when she is being buried. (see ngarábngab, gáab, hibî, tángís, tiyábaw).
For ngalánan from ngálan; hingádlan for hingalánan from hingálan.
(H) Name, patronymic, apellation, designation, cognomen; to name, call. Sín-o ang ngálan mo? What is your name? Anó ang pagtawág mo siní kon ímo ngádlan (ngalánan)? What would you call this, if you gave it a name? What is this? N.B. hingálan is much more used instead of the simple ngálan in the sense of: naming, calling, giving a name to, pronouncing the name of. (see ngáran, binunyágan, apelyído).
Delirious or foolish talk, bosh, twaddle, nonsense; to speak foolishly, incoherently, glibly, flippantly. (see ngásal).
To chatter, prattle, prate, talk glibly or flippantly, gabble, gab, tattle, tittle, tittle-tattle, blab, let out secrets. Indì ka magngálngal sináng mga butáng. Don't talk glibly about such things. Ginngálngal níya ang mga sekréto ni Fuláno. He blabbed out N.N.'s secrets. Ginngalngalán níya si Fuláno sing mga butáng nga walâ sing naigoán. He talked a good deal to N.N. about silly things. (see ngásal, hádak, búrà, etc.).
To open one's mouth. Ingangá ang bábà mo. Open your mouth. Ngangahá ang bábà mo kag padiwalá ang dílà. Open your mouth and put out your tongue. Ngangahí ang manugbánsil, kay usisáon níya ang ímo ngípon. Open your mouth for the dentist, for he is going to examine your teeth.
The opening, mouth, vent, outlet, inlet of a tube, pipe, canal or the like. (see ngangá).
See ngangaán.
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