A kind of tree.
A kind of basket. (tabungós id.).
To penetrate, go-, pass-, seep-, soak-, flow-, through. Nagtábos ang ulán sa ákon páyong, báyò, etc. The rain went through my umbrella, jacket, etc. Kon magdámol ang ulán magatabós sa ímo kapóte. If the rain is heavy it will soak through your raincoat. Natabosán sing túbig ang íya mga panápton. His clothes were soaked with water. (see tahús).
To hang or bend down, sag, sink, as the middle of a hammock or the like. Nagatáboy ang dúyan, ang pulungkóan, etc. The hammock, the chair, etc. is hollow or sunk in the middle. (see lúyon, which is more used for the bending sacks, boards, beams, etc.).
See tablíya.
To cut through, sever, part, divide, a rope, belt, etc. Tabtabá ang tabáng. Cut through the neck-rope. Gintábtab níya ang sinturón. He cut the belt in two. Itábtab iníng binángon sa kalát. Cut the rope with this bolo.
The cutting or severing of something, place where something is cut off; end, termination. Magakitaáy kitá sa tabtában. We shall meet in the end (before the tribunal of God). (see katapúsan, katubtúban).
See tabó-tabó-the exterior covering of a silk worm's chrysalis.
(B) To fly, fly off, soar. Nagtabúg ron ang mga píspis sa káhoy. (Naglupád na ang mga píspis sa káhoy). The birds have flown-out of the tree,-away to the tree. Patábga (Palupará) ang buladór. Fly the kite. (see lupád).
To drive away, scare off, expel, cast out. Tabúga ang mga karabáw. Drive off the buffaloes. Tabúgi ang humáy sang mga manók. Drive the chickens away from the rice. Tinábug níya ang mga kánding sa pamulákan. He drove the goats out of the garden. Tinábug ni Hesús ang yáwà. Jesus cast out the devil. Tinábug siá níla sa bánwa. They expelled him (banished him) from the city (town, country). (see paíway, pahalín, búgaw, parág).
Plait, braid; plaited, twisted, braided; to be or make in the form of a plait, to plait, twist. Tabugiá ang pagbódbod sang amákan. Plait the border of the bamboo mat. Tabugií ang tohóg sang karabáw. Twist a rattan nose-ring for the buffalo.
One living beyond or on the other (farther) side of a boundary, such as a river, mountain, lake, sea, etc. In Iloilo the term mostly signifies the inhabitants of the island of Negros. (see tabók).
A kind of very malignant, ulcerous skin-disease, often ending in death; leprosy.
Affected with or pertaining to tabukáw, leper.
To swing or shake to and fro as a basket carried on a pole. Nagatabúltabúl ang bakág sa tuangtuangán. The carrier's basket swings (is swinging) to and fro on the pole. (see tawóltawól).
A kind of plant somewhat resembling talóng-egg-plant.
Upside down, inverted; to bend down very low, turn upside down, incline much (of full ears, etc.; see bulî).
A wicker basket made of bamboo splints. It usually holds two or three bushels (pásong) of rice.
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