Heart; affection, sympathy, consideration, kindness, benevolence, charity. (see kasíngkásing).
A kind of mould or mildew on clothes in the form of clusters of small black dots (spots, stains); to be, or cause to be, spotted with mould, to be musty, fusty, mildewy. Ginatagíptip ang ákon pakô. My sleeve is getting spotted with mould. Tinagíptip ang íya sárwal. His trousers are (were) spotted with mould. (see agóp-op-mildew, mustiness of bread, etc.).
Spotted with mould, musty, fusty, mildewy, rotten.
Excessively hot, extremely warm, incandescent, white-hot, at a white heat; very white, bright, clean. Nagatagítì karón ang ínit. The heat of the sun is very great at present. It is very hot at present. Nagatagítì gid yanáng mga panápton nga linátag. Those bleached clothes look very white. (see salíit, tagíngting, putî, lágtì, síngkal).
Owner, proprietor, holder, possessor, master. (see panagíya).
The season or time of gathering the corn (maize). (see lúngì).
From tagám-to beware, etc.
Prophecy, prediction, forecast, vaticination, prognostication, presage, foretelling of future events; Book of Prophecies; to prophesy, predict, foretell, prognosticate, presage, vaticinate, announce beforehand. Ang tágnà ni (kay) San Huán. The Prophecy of St. John, i.e. the Apocalypse. Ang mga gintágnà sang mga mananágnà natúman na. What the prophets have foretold is fulfilled now. Indì ikáw makatágnà kon anó ang mahanabû. You cannot foretell what will happen. (see búgnà).
Hiding, concealment, privacy, secrecy, clandestineness, stealth; a secret, what is kept secret, etc.; to hide, conceal, secrete, stow away, put away, put by, keep out of sight, abscond. Sa tágò. Clandestinely, surreptitiously, secretly, in secret. Ginhímo níya inâ sa tágò. He did that in secret. Tagóa inâ. Hide it. Conceal it. Put it by. Keep it out of sight. Tinágò níya ang ákon kálò. He hid my hat. Tagói siá sing limá ka páhò. Put aside for him five mangoes. Ipatágò sa íya inâ. Patagóa siá sinâ. Let him put it-away,-in a safe, in a safe place. Order him to hide it, to guard it well, or the like. Nanágò (from the Freq. panágò) siá. He hid (concealed) himself. He was in hiding. (see tinágò, tinagô, tábon, hinabón, palanagoán, likúm, lílong).
See taguángkan-uterus.
See tágub, tagúb.
See tagúm-a-soft, loose, etc.
Three each, three by three, by threes. (see tagtátlo, tatlótátlo).
Season of flowers. (see tagbululák).
To gag, cover or close the mouth. Tagpoá ang ímo bábà, índì ka magtalángkaw. Cover you mouth, don't laugh so boisterously. Gintágpò sang mga buyóng ang íya bábà. The brigands gagged him.
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