To gag. See tágpò. Tagponí ang bábà níya. Gag his mouth.
Master of the house, occupant, dweller, settler, owner or boss (of a house). (see puyô).
To roam about idly, gad about, loaf, walk about doing nothing worth while, said especially of women. (see lagáwlágaw, landólándo, haráyháray, tiógtióg, puágpuág).
Winter, cold season. (tigraramíg id.).
Tinkling, jingle, clink, tintinnabulation, vibration, a tremulous sound as produced by the oscillation of musical strings, etc.; to tinkle, jingle, clink, vibrate. Kabatî ikáw sang tágring sang gitára? Did you hear the sound of the guitar? Dílì mo pagpatagringón sing dáyon ang ímo sísta. Don't be always playing your mandolin (guitar, ukulele). Abáw, katágring sináng mga linggánay! Oh the jingling of those bells! How those bells jingle! (see kilíngkilíng, huní, ragíngring, ragíting, tágsing).
A loafer, etc. (of men). (see tagrá-tágra).
Each, every one, every individual. Ang tágsa ka táo. Each man, everybody, every man. Ang tágsa ka baláy napunihán sing matahúm. Every house (All the houses) was (were) beautifully decorated. Ang ginámot sang tágsa ka bánwa--. The contribution of every town--. (see káda, tanán, pulús- all, without exception).
One, one only, single, as a single stroke of a bell or clock, one report of a gun, etc.; to do one by one, in single strokes, etc. Tagsahá ang pagbágting sang linggánay. Ring the bells one stroke at a time.
(H) Sowing season. (tigsalabúd, tigsaláb-ug etc.).
(B) See tagsalabúd, tagsaláb-ug.
To sprinkle, besprinkle, spatter, bespatter, scatter, etc. See ásik, ágsik, ápok, ásang, wisík, lásik, lágsik).
To distribute, divide among a number, deal out, dispense, give or bestow in portions. Itágtag na sa íla ang dólse, ang kwárta, ang humáy, etc. Distribute to them the sweets, the money, the rice, etc. Tagtagí dirí sing sábud, kay walâ na akó sing itánum. Distribute some rice-seedlings here, for I have no more left to plant. Tinagtagán (Gintagtagán) silá níya sing tagpisítas. He gave twenty centavos to each of them. He gave them twenty centavos each. (see hátag, panágtag, huláy, báhin).
Winter. See tigtulúgnaw, tagraramíg.
See tágò-to hide, etc.
A prefix related to, and partaking of the meaning of, tag-, tig-, inog-and manog-.
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