From taká-to loathe, etc.
Nausea, loathing, surfeit, disgust, aversion, repugnance; to loathe, feel an aversion to, be disgusted with, etc. Nagakataká akó siníng kárne. Naták-an akó siníng kárne. I have taken an aversion to this meat. I dislike-, feel a loathing for-, am disgusted with-, this kind of meat. Indì ka magkataká (magtaká) sang ákon mga sógò. Don't be offended at my orders. Don't take exception to my orders. Ginaták-an siá sang amó nga pangabúdlay. He feels a repugnance to such kind of work. (see sumó, súm-od).
(B) To pilfer, steal, purloin, take secretly or stealthily. Anó ang tinakáb na? (Náno ang íya kináwat)? What did he steal? Gintakáb na ang mga sáb-a ko. Tinakabán na akó kang sáb-a ko. (Kináwat níya ang ákon mga ságing. Kinawátan akó níya sang ákon mga ságing). He stole my bananas. (see tákaw, káwat).
To munch or chew noisily (audibly). Indì ka magtákam kon magkáon, kay maláw-ay. Don't chew noisily when you eat, for it is not nice (proper). (see támsak).
Dim. and Freq. of tákam.
Dim. and Freq. of tákang, takáng. Also: to take the first steps, to learn to walk; to learn "the ropes", enter upon a career. Ang bátà nagatakángtákang na. The baby is taking its first steps,-is learning to walk.
Inland, interior, away from the sea, away from a river or valley, land as opposed to water, a slope or hill as opposed to a valley; to land, disembark, go on shore, go inland, go away from the sea, from a river or from a valley; to go up-stream or up-river. Nagtákas silá sa Manílà. They disembarked (went on shore) at Manila. Sán-o ka matákas (magatákas)? When shall you-land,-go into the interior,-go inland? Ang ámon baláy árà sa tákas sang subâ. Our house stands back from the river. Ginpatákas níya dirâ ang napúlò ka sáko nga bugás. He landed there (brought on shore) ten sacks of rice. Patakása ang sakayán. Land (Try to land) the boat. (see iláya, ilayá, ubús-lower down, near the sea; etc.).
Beach, coast, dry land, high ground, shore, bank, landing place. Paunáuná kamó maghingágaw sang takasán. Race each other and see which of you will reach land first. (tákas).
(B) To steal, pilfer, abscond, purloin, take and carry away feloniously. Tinákaw na ang kálò ko. (Kináwat níya ang ákon kálò). He stole my hat. Indì mo pagtakáwon (pagkawáton) ang mga tanúm na (níya). Don't steal his plants. Natakáwan nánda ang páray nga diá. (Nakawátan níla iníng humáy). They stole some of this rice. Tinakáwan nánda ang páray nga diá. (Kinawátan níla iníng humáy). This sentence may be translated like the foregoing, but it may also mean: This rice of theirs is stolen property (is not the result of their labour nor the product of their land). (see takáb, káwat).
(B) Contribution, share, part; to contribute a share, pay something towards a general undertaking, etc. Takáyi (Amóti) nínyo ang pagpatíndog ti ermíta (sing ermíta). Contribute towards the building of a chapel. Nagtákay (nagámot) tána ti (siá sing) tátlo ka mángmang. He contributed three pesos. Patakáya tána ti (Paamóta siá sing) tátlo ka mángmang. Make him contribute three pesos. Pirá ang tákay mo? (Pilá ang ímo ámot)? How much is your share of the contribution? How much are you supposed to contribute? (see ámot).
A kind of flowering plant.
Dim. and Freq. of tákay.
To mate, leap, cover, said of animals. Ang kabáyo nga babáye tinákba sang laláke-or-ang kabáyo nga babáye nagpatákba. The mare was covered by the stallion. (see kásta).
From takúd-to close; hitch up, etc.
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