Time-piece, watch, clock.
(Sp. taco) Bung, plug, stopper, stopple; wad, wadding for guns; rammer; billard cue; to wad a gun, etc. or load a gun. Takóhi ang ímo lúthang. Load your gun. Itáko iníng papél sa ímo pusíl. Use this paper as wad (wadding) for your rifle. Diín ang táko sang bílyar? Where is the billard cue?
(B) On my part, etc. for sing ákon. Indì (akó) tákon magágto rúgto. (Indì akó sing ákon-, Indì akó'y ákon-, magkádto dídto). I for my part will not go there. As for me I won't go there.
Cover, cap, top, lid, shutter; to cover, put a lid on, to close, shut. Tákpi (takupí) ang gawáng. Shut the window. Natákpan ang ganháan. The door is (was) closed. Ang mga buluthúan pagatákpan sa búlan sa Márso. The schools will be closed in March. Itakóp ang táklub sa kólon. Put the lid on the rice-kettle. Patákpa si Hosé sang ganháan sang kosína. Let José (Order José to) close the door of the kitchen. (see táklub, háon, soón).
A head-dress for women consisting of a cloth or veil, often worked in beautiful designs. (see mantelyína).
From takóp.
From takús-to measure, etc.
To fall down in drops, let fall, shed, said of tears, leaves, petals of flowers, etc. Nagakatáktak ang íya mga lúhà sa íya kamót. Her tears are falling on her hand. Nagkalatáktak na ang mga sinipád siníng búlak. The petals of this flower have fallen off already. Tinaktakán níya ang ákon delárgo sing abó sang sigarílyo. He dropped some cigarette ash on my trousers. Nataktakán ang salúg sang abó sang íya abáno. The ash of his cigar dropped on the floor. Natáktak siá sa íya nga palangakóan. He lost his position. He fell from office. (see dágdag, húlug, tángtang).
Corral, the fence-like structure put up in shallow water and forming part of the fish-trap called punút. (see bunóan-the enclosure where the fish are caught).
Shutter, door, window; anything that is to be tied, fastened or hitched up to something else, as a draught animal, a cart, or the like; to shutter, close with a shutter; to attach to. Tákdi (takudí, takurí) ang báka. Yoke the ox. Itakúd ang pútyong sa báyò ko. Sew the button on my jacket. Tákdan mo ang ganháan. Shut the door. Itakúd ang takúd sa bintánà. Close the window-shutter. Tinákdan ko na ang karabáw sang arádo. I have now hitched the buffalo to the plough. (see takóp).
Quick, careless, to do quickly, etc. The Dim. takúltakúl is more in use.
Scamped, quickly or carelessly done or made; to do quickly, carelessly, negligently. (see dakúldakúl).
The cry of a turkey, gobble; to gobble (of a turkey or the like).
A kind of plant. See takinís id.
Rough, not smooth. Pánit nga takúpis. Rough skin. Grained or granulated leather. Shagreen.
Also: Leather bag, leather trunk, portmanteau, suitcase (made of leather).
Also: Leather bag, leather trunk, portmanteau, suitcase (made of leather).
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